Boy Banned

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Deron's POV:

A few days before the Berry Juice concert, I begged my father many times to go there with my friends back in LA.
"Father, please, I've never been to a concert before."
   "Who's performing on that show?"
   "Berry Juice." I unrolled a giant and colorful poster of four guys in their late teens or early 20s of different ethnicities wearing flashy performance outfits.
"Who's Berry Juice?"
"A band with a fruit name."
"Oh, I thought you were asking for some fruit juice."
"Excuse me, what?" I gave him a side-eyed glare. Father doesn't get me. Does he even know Berry Juice?
   "Deron?" My mother called from upstairs.
   "Yes?" I stopped playing with my toys to go upstairs, finding out she got me a Berry Juice ticket. "Are you kidding me?" I screamed in excitement. "How did you get them?"
   "I also got some for your brothers. They'll go with you, too."
   "Aww, come on!" I complained, "I hate them so much!"
   "They go through all my stuff and break my things without asking."
   "That's not very nice of them, but older siblings should watch their younger siblings."
   "Ashkii would try to pull my hair while I do my homework and it hurts so bad." (That hair was a black wig, but I lied about the pain since my real hair was dyed blue for several months so my parents wouldn't know.)
   "I'll try to handle that."
   "Wayhem puts greasy lotion on my limited edition Gnoblin doll!"
   "I'm giving you a break from the spotlight and your father has to travel somewhere due to his job. I also have to be there."
   "Is anyone watching us?"
   "Your bodyguard." No! I thought I was going to go with my friends, but I don't like going with my brothers. Not even Dimitri should keep an eye on me. I complained quietly, but I did let it all out, whining about wanting a normal childhood.
   On the night of the concert, my brothers and bodyguard arrived in plain clothing disguises, but again, it didn't help the fact that I wasnt still recognized by many fans as we had VIP tickets instead of what most Berry Juice super fans bought. Luckily, the bodyguard looked aggressive enough that pictures of me weren't allowed. I always loved getting more bonuses on a ticket, but still being seen as a pretty boy's face in a public place was a completely different story. With a bunch of rainbow glowing lights surrounding the stage, we were screaming the countdown before there were screaming cheers from the fans as the members arrived from the bottom.
"Good evening, Juicers!" The leader named Garrett Maas, also known by fans as Strawberry, greeted on the microphone.
"We are very excited to perform this concert tonight in the greatest city of Nymphus, Harverna!" Strawberry passed the microphone to Haruki Suzuki, or Blueberry, who enthused the crowd with a warm welcome.
"I would also like to admit that we love the Mythical Spirits just as much as you guys over there." Ryder Durant, or Raspberry smiled, but I started crying joyfully as my favorite band made me feel special.
"Without a supportive community and the music we make, we wouldn't have made it this far. Thank you all for coming!" Bolin Alston, or Blackberry, announced happily.
"And let's get on with this show!" All of the members posed in hilarious movements, letting the audience cheer loudly. As the music starts playing, they were also singing and dancing to many singles like "Baby, I Love You" and "Light in the Tunnel" for a few hours straight.
Meredith's POV:

In the middle of the performance that Charles's dad was taking us to, many fans were suddenly screaming at the top of their lungs in anger at other fans, but I also noticed that there was toilet paper being thrown on stage, leaving the Berry Juice idols disgusted.
"Wait, we have to stop right there." Blackberry threw the toilet paper roll back at the audience, telling everyone to calm down, but the screams got louder that my best friend Heather covered her ears and whispered to me.
   "Meredith, I want to go home."
   "No, we can't." I gripped her wrist. "Charles's mum paid for the tickets."
   "It's too loud, what's with all of that noise?"
   "Somebody tried to spread a rumour." Charles admitted.
"Who is it?" Both Heather and I drew our eyes at him.
"Oh my gosh, are Mariah Klause and Strawberry dating?" One fan, probably an older girl, was screaming.
"What, that can't be true! Strawberry is mine! She can't take him away from me!" Another voice ranted while others were laughing and some were booing.
"Guys, listen!" Strawberry silenced the crowd. "I know that you all have a very tough time right now, but the thing between me and Mariah is false. We are not dating and I repeat, WE NEVER DATED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Ethereal Records is going to kill me after this."
"Whoa there, dude! I think a lot of our fans are losing so much respect. We never saw that coming from you until now." Blueberry gasped in horror.
"I was unaware that we would have a very interesting fandom. Those Juicers can go wild if we don't handle this chaos the right way." Raspberry stuttered on his microphone. As a matter of fact, all of the members started cluttering their teeth and sweating in irritation, leaving the stage abruptly and unexplained. Fans' screaming and booing started to turn into violent riots. Half of them used physical violence to attack those who believed in the rumour. I was also traumatized by the loudness in the venue, yet I got used to seeing violence similar to what my household was doing. All my friends and I were whining over the fact that the Berry Juice concert cancelled earlier than the time mentioned on the advertisements. We were going to meet them backstage, and it's like that dream of meeting the hottest boy band crushed to the ground without any reason.
   "Come on, guys. We have to get out of here." Charles's dad pulled us away from the auditorium, letting us go to the restroom. However, I decided to take an emergency empty room alone as too many people were crowding while leaving. Since I didn't know it was backstage and it was the most stupid decision I made to hide my spirit identity, no one was around when I threw myself inside the giant garbage bin with a lid, got Coral out, and whispered inaudibly about the new situation before transforming into Merfish.
Naomi's POV:

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