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Elliot's stomach quickly grumbled as soon as he and Dad got home.

Ugh, I'm hungry…

While Dad plopped himself on the couch and did absolutely nothing, his son started looking for biscuits or other leftover snacks in the kitchen countertops to fill him up somehow. A minute later though, a moment of epiphany zoomed past the child's head.

Dad must be starving after all his work... Elliot thought as he looked over to his father, who was just staring blankly at the floor below. He had turned the TV on, but for no reason, he found no interest in watching.

"Dad, what do you wanna eat for din-din?" He questioned as he jumped over the uneven floor and skittered towards the young man.

Lawson's darkened eyes wandered towards his naive son, as his frown deepened. The wrinkles on his forehead had grown while he averted his gaze away. He decided to say something just to silence his curious child, "anything."

"How about I'm gonna try to call Mr. Zheng for Chinese takeaway? How's that sound?" Elliot asked even more as he pointed to the telephone they had just in the corner of the living room. 

This child doesn't understand what 'anything' even means… 

Dad mentally rolled his eyes and simply let his son figure it out on his own. He zipped his lips shut and said nothing more, and on the other hand, the kid simply blinked innocently at him. Without a word, Elliot let out a silent sigh, knowing that Dad wouldn't answer him, and decided to head for the telephone to call.

Elliot looked over to a small logbook on the side to see Mr. Zheng's number, and slowly punched the correct buttons before he held the telephone close to his ears.

"Hello?" Mr. Zheng immediately picked up on the first ring. He had always responded fast to every call Elliot had made, which was a good thing.

"Hey Mr. Zheng, this is Elliot…" the child mumbled, "um, my dad and I kinda have no food for dinner, so I'm wondering whether if-"

"Ah! Is it another 2 stir-fried noodles for today?" The man instantly cut the child off before he could speak further, "alright kid, hold tight! I'll be there with your food in fifteen minutes."

"Um… thank you so much…" Elliot muttered to the speakers before he ultimately felt safe to hang up the brief call. He placed the telephone back to its place and then strolled back to accompany Dad while he waited.

Mr. Zheng had always been a cheerful, friendly man despite his old age. Even though he should have stopped working and relaxed with his family, he refused to slow down and resumed with his activities. He was also one of Dad's friends who had been supporting him since Mom left, and always advised Elliot to look after him. He also had delivered food to his house countless times and he didn't seem annoyed or bothered by it.

Due to this, Elliot looked up to him as that one weird and jolly uncle.

As several minutes had passed, Elliot remained in the living room with his father. To try forgetting about his grumbling stomach, the child tried watching some animal documentary.
He was completely fascinated by how the lionesses were able to work together to bring down a deer. Dad, though, he didn't seem amused… he just remained still and quiet.

What should I do to make him happy again…?

Elliot wanted to start a conversation with Dad, but he knew that he wouldn't try to continue it. 

When Elliot heard the noises of a car stopping in front of his house, he quickly sprinted out of his seat to check from the windows. Much to his relief, it was Mr. Zheng, who jumped out of his driver's seat, carrying a plastic bag that probably contained their dinner.

The corners of Elliot's lips quirked up as he immediately sauntered for the front door. He quickly opened it, revealing Mr. Zheng, who was smiling down at the boy. He slowly crouched down so that he could be at the same eye level as the child. The man's pale eyes glittered as he handed the food to Elliot, who instantly accepted it without a doubt.

Finally, food! I'm starving real bad! Elliot inwardly exclaimed as he tried to resist the urge to jump up and down. He looked to what was inside the bag, and he could smell the strong but mouth-watering aroma of the recently cooked noodles. If he didn't control himself right now, he would be drooling in no time.

"How's your father doing, Elly?" Mr. Zheng started ruffling Elliot's blond hair.

"Um… he's good, I guess. He's pretty busy with work and he's kinda tired today," Elliot responded as he kept his tiny smile intact, "he's watching TV in the living room with me."

"You're mature compared to most kids your age, so I'm sure you could do a good job taking care of him," Mr. Zheng complimented, "keep sticking on his side, alright? He's been really, really sad and he needs you a lot."

"Of course I will. Leave it to me!" Elliot proudly slammed his hand on his chest while he agreed with whatever Mr. Zheng had said. The old man simply chuckled at the child's actions, before he stopped tousling with hair and stood back up.

"Right, I had some hard work to do after this," he announced as he started stepping back, "be sure to eat it up!"

"Thank you Mr. Zheng!" Elliot raised his tone as he grinned, not hesitating to show his gratitude towards the cheery man. He waved the back of his hand in dismissal before he returned to his car and then drove off to the distance.

Elliot closed and locked the door, before strolling back inside, where Dad had turned the TV off and had his fatigued gaze on his son. He then helplessly stood up and ambled towards Elliot, who then immediately showed him the delicious food.

"Look, Dad! Mr. Zheng got us some stir-fried noodles for din-din!" Elliot exclaimed, "it's your favorite too!"

Long before that day, Dad had always expressed his love for fried noodles of any kind, and would always order it even though Mom sometimes disagreed. He would always gobble it up until the box was left, but for now…

"Just put it on the table," he mumbled under his breath, before he spun on his heels and walked away, "I'll eat it later."

Elliot was about to reach out and stop him, then tell him about him needing energy, but no word left his lips. He didn't move, and watched as Dad placed the TV remote back to its place and then walked towards a certain door. It led to the basement, where his science lab was.

The young boy already knew that Dad barely touched his food at all, as he would always leave huge leftovers on the table. Elliot didn't want to waste them, so he was forced to finish them up for him. Dad's lack of appetite was also costing him his body, which had grown thinner and paler than before, and making him easily exhausted.

Elliot lowered his head down and stared hard at the floor below him. He really wanted Dad to stay healthy, but all his hopeless action proved to the child that his father didn't even care about himself anymore.

I just want to get along with Dad just like the old times… 

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