Twenty First

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As Elliot jumped out of the bus, the atmosphere started to grow unusually heavy and thick. It was to the point where the air was pretty difficult to breath. Consequently, most parts of his limbs stiffened up as the child's movements began to grow rigid. He constantly gulped, while he could hear how his thumping heart started to get unusually louder and faster.

How am I gonna face Dad now...? Is he gonna get mad at me for screaming at him this morning? Questions began to swivel all through his mind as he halted on his tracks, staring at the blanket of snow underneath his boots. The tiny hairs on his neck erected as he imagined Dad glaring down at him with bared teeth, confronting him for talking back.

I guess I have to go through this... it was my fault anyway... He furiously shook his head and clutched both of his hands together. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force himself to become brave, pushing all of his fears away. There was nothing he could do right now but to face his wrath. I just need to say sorry to Dad and that's all...

Elliot swallowed his accumulating saliva for the last time, and he decided to bolt for it before he lost all his confidence. His tiny legs sent him propelling through the sidewalk, crushing the snow at every step he made. He even almost missed his footing due to an uneven surface, but he managed to regain his balance and went for his home.

When he reached the vicinity of his home, Elliot saw Dad on the front porch as usual. There were tingling sensations around his body as he was about to approach him, but he promptly stopped on his way when he noticed that Mr. Zheng was there... tagging along with Dad. However, this time, instead of standing up and raising his voice on Dad, he was sitting down beside him... talking normally like nothing happened.

Mr. Zheng...? Elliot was in the middle of gathering his breaths, huffing and puffing through his mouth from all the running he did earlier. What is he doing here...

Just as when the child attempted to find the answers for his presence, a flashback suddenly hit him hard.

"I guess I'll have to keep a close eye on him."

Mr. Zheng's voice from yesterday echoed throughout his head, and that was when realization came crashing upon him. The boy then remembered that the old man did say he wanted to be around Dad so that he can keep watch or something... but... what were they exactly talking about now? Mr. Zheng doesn't look like he's mad though... he looks like he's worried. Maybe... he's really gonna take me away from Dad this time...?

No... he can't do that... can he? Elliot immediately looked all over the area, searching for anything strange or out of place, but there was nothing but more snow. Mr. Zheng's car was in the driveway though, but other than that, there was fortunately nothing. I don't see any weird people though... that's good then...

But maybe I should try... hearing them. The boy snuck closer, making sure he wasn't making noises that could give them his presence. Holding his breath, he decided to hide near them so that the men couldn't see him, studying every of their actions and listening to their weird conversation.

"Do you... really still love her...?" Mr. Zheng asked with a pause in between. He lifted his thinning eyebrow at Lawson, who was staring blankly at the hot, dark liquid on his cup. He could see his own reflection, where a pair of pale brown eyes glowered back at him, with the addition of sagging bags. When no answer was given, Mr. Zheng let out a silent sigh, "I'm talking about Renata."

Renata? The name sounded pretty interesting for Elliot, but what caught his attention was that... it surely rang a bell. It was as if he heard the name elsewhere, but for some reason, his guts didn't pick up any good vibes from it. Why am I feeling so uncomfortable...?

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