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Elliot knew that Dad most likely didn't remember their previous interactions, so the child didn't even bother to ask.

Dad did complain about how his head was splitting apart, but he was quick to shrug off his son's concerns about it. They simply went through breakfast, acting like they normally slept through the entire night. Nonetheless, there were still unanswered questions embedded inside of Elliot's brain: Why can't he remember anything...? Not even just a little thing...? What is he trying to do...?

I can't understand...

I can't understand at all...

Dad's pained expressions from all the nights before were still flying all over his mind, refusing to back down. He could still hear his father's sobs and words echoing all over him, and regardless of how hard he tried to forget them all, they would just come back. Sometimes, if Elliot wasn't careful enough, then he would find tears slipping out of his eyes, to which he immediately brushed them off with his hands.

No! Don't cry in here! Elliot scolded himself. If my friends see me like this, they will make fun of me!

For school today, the teachers had given the class some free time so that they could set up their project for the science fair. All of the kids had bright looks in their faces as they didn't have to sit for hours listening to the teachers, but it didn't seem to lift up Elliot's spirits in the slightest. He even wished he could still be in class so that he had something to busy himself with.

Shanice wasn't hesitant in dragging both Andrew and Elliot to the library, all according to her plans. The other kids were there too, gathering themselves in one table as they were reading books. They were discussing their projects while a few teachers roamed around, assisting them if they needed help.

Elliot was quick to notice that Ms. Fairchild was among them, distinct from her bright hair and unusual eyes that made the child cower. The others didn't seem to mind how she looked, as they were casually talking with her while she attentively listened. I hope she doesn't talk to us though...

"Okay, now that we have the time, let's try to find books about constellations!" Shanice exclaimed. Her loud voice immediately broke the silence that surrounded the area, earning her dirty looks from the other children who were trying to concentrate on their reading. Elliot promptly shrank at their glares, forcing himself to sheepishly grin at them.

"Sst, not so loud!" Andrew loudly whispered to Shanice, placing a finger in front of his lips, "we're in the library!"

"Whoops, sorry... I got a little bit carried away," she clamped her mouth shut as she lowered the volume of her voice, sticking her tongue out at Andrew. He merely sighed at his friend's careless mistake, while Elliot smiled and quietly laughed. That was completely expected from his two friends, but their moments cheered the boy up somehow.

Elliot trailed behind Shanice and Andrew as they went further into the library. They were looking through the shelves, searching for the books that were related to their topics. The memories of his father were still lingering around his thoughts, so he decided to try helping his friends, simultaneously forgetting about the problems back home.

I gotta focus on this first...

"Hmm... let's see this one..." Shanice stood on her heels to pull out a book from the shelf and opened it to a certain page, "oh look, this one talks about... the Andro... meda galaxy? Whoa Drew, this looks so awesome!"

"I mean it's cool... but we're looking for books about constellations, not galaxies," Andrew reminded her as he returned a book into its original place and then pulled out another one. He briefly gazed at the cover, before he flipped over to the pages, his eyes scanning through the colorful pictures, "hey, I think I found the right book! There are lots of constellations in here."

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