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By the time Elliot got home from school, he noticed Dad chilling in front of their home, just like yesterday.

There was a mug gripped in his hands, probably filled with some drink that the child didn't even need to question. Still dressed in his lab coat, Dad had his legs spread out while his exhausted eyes zoomed into the distance. He's probably taking a rest from his job, but... when I see Dad not working... it just feels really odd to me.

Elliot clutched his fingers around his bag straps as he gingerly made his way to his father. He felt a pair of eyes penetrating through his skull, and that was when he then realized that Dad was actually ogling him. It was as if he was studying every of his son's moves, ready to throw judgements at him if he made one slight mistake. Why is he looking at me like that...?

"Hey Dad..." the boy's voice trailed into the air while he tried to normally greet him. He found himself fidgeting his arms and his body wincing as he forced himself to continue with his conversation, "you're... resting again?"

"... I guess so," there was a brief pause before Lawson rasped, bobbing his head. He placed his mug on the table beside him. He then wiped his lips with his sleeves before looking down at his little son, "but... it's more like I'm waiting for you to get back home."

Dad's... waiting for me...? Elliot seriously didn't know what to react. At first, the child didn't want to believe what Dad had said, thinking that it was just his imagination playing stupid tricks on him. He knew he shouldn't be doubting his father, but the fact that he took his time from work to see whether Elliot went home safe or not... it was out of the blue.

He's acting so weird... maybe it's because of the beer? Elliot narrowed his eyes as he examined the glass bottles that were standing just beside the young man. There were a couple of those glass bottles, and all of their caps were left open. However, when the child glanced back at Dad, he wasn't crying, laughing or hiccuping. He was just... acting normally, despite the eyebags.

Despite the throbbing headaches, Lawson was able to read the blatant confusion engraved on his son's face. He simply let out a loud breath off his lips and looked away, "I just don't want to see you hurt, that's all."

Elliot began to play with the edges of his scarf as he let out a series of nervous laughter, "but Dad... I showed you yesterday that I can go home by myself, so you don't have to wait for me. I'm not gonna be hurt!"

...but thinking about it... Dad always reminds me to be back home fast when I'm with my friends, and then he also didn't want me to go to school alone at first. Elliot then started remembering all of those past memories that were somewhat similar. Therefore, for the first time today, there was some sort of happiness blooming inside of him. I guess he really still worries about me...

"I know. I might be wearing glasses, but I have eyes, Elliot. I'm just... watching," Lawson muttered as he slowly stood up from his seat. He grunted and clenched his head as the wavering pain that hammered against his skull worsened. Shrugging it off, he grabbed both the empty glass and the bottles from the table, and without looking directly at the child, he muttered out, "I'm going back to work now."

Before Elliot could say anything, Dad had disappeared into the house, probably going back to his basement lab. The child let out a quiet sigh, before he decided to go inside and close the door, locking it shut. Dad had gone back to his normal cold ways, but at least he still paid attention to the child. His acknowledgement was all Elliot could ever ask for, and he was already grateful for receiving it.

If only those stupid beers aren't in the way...

Elliot huffed as he stomped up the stairs to go to his room. Once more, images of his crying and laughing father resurfaced, lingering all over him. The child could clearly hear all of Dad's haunting sobs and how he went rambling about... Mom and how he missed her so much. Seeing these memories never failed to hurt the boy deeply, so he furiously shook his head to clear them off.

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