Twenty Fourth

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Monday came marching in like a soldier, ruthlessly knocking the weekends out of the spotlight. Even though Elliot had to return to school, it couldn't find its way to disturb his peace of mind. In fact, his face was shining radiantly like the sun, especially when he remembered all the precious moments he had spent with Dad during the break.

There were still times where Dad was still engulfed with his job and so there were no verbal interactions, but for Elliot, conversations never really mattered. All he needed was for his father to invite and accompany him during his work, to smile down at him, to hug him, as well as to eat lunch and dinner once and for all. Moreover, a simple recognition was already enough to make him over the moon.

Classes ran normally, but Elliot went through them without any distracting thoughts. There was no more burden weighing against his shoulders, and there was no need to hold back tears in the middle of the lesson. Even during the project discussion with his friends, daydreaming was no longer the routine. He was completely focused on listening to Shanice and Andrew as they started making their constellation jar.

But I still can't believe Dad's finally getting better! He inwardly exclaimed. He didn't seem to drink beers and acted all strange during the nights, so everything's gonna be fine! Also, he's not gonna be taken away, so that's good as well!

"I was supposed to be the one making holes on this paper, but my dad won't allow me," Shanice huffed as she pulled out an aluminum sheet from her bag and showed it to the group, "so he decided to be the one making them. They're supposed to be all the constellations we've talked about, but... my dad messed them up, so they're not the same as the ones we had seen..."

"Hmm... it does look messy..." Andrew squinted his eyes as he intently scrutinized the foil. He shrugged as he went on, "but hey, at least I can make out some of them, like the Big Dipper and Orion... then Cancer and Pisces in some way, I guess?"

While his friends simultaneously sighed in frustration, Elliot, on the other hand, wasn't able to find any single mistakes on the foil. The placement of the holes were exactly on point, forming similar constellations depicted on the books. Well, he didn't take a look at them properly since at that moment, Dad was the one occupying the majority of his mind. But it does look really well-made!

"It looks totally fine with me!" Elliot chimed in, as both heads snapped towards him, "I can see them well, so I'm pretty sure the others can make them out too! We can just explain which one is which."

For some reason, Shanice had her mouth hanging open, but she immediately sealed them closed. She took another good look at the work her father had awfully done, and then back to her blonde friend, who only blinked at her as an involuntary response. Hmm, what's wrong with Shan? Am I weirding her out in some way...? Maybe... she doesn't expect me to say anything...?

"Well, if Elliot says so, then I guess it's good..." Shanice mumbled as she plopped back to her seat, placing the sheet on the table, "but I still think that I can do so much better than my dad!"

Andrew chuckled as he folded his arms, "well... I think that's because he knows how clumsy you can be sometimes... like the snowman you ruined."

"Heey! At least I was trying my best!" Shanice pushed her bottom lip forward as she clenched both of her hands together. Meanwhile, Elliot pursed his lips, clamped his mouth and abruptly turned away, trying his best not to burst out laughing. However, his tactics failed to work out, as the whole group now had all their attention on him.

Oops... I think I make it too obvious...

"You're so happy today, Elliot," said Shanice as she rested her chin on her hands, "did your dad finally get better over the weekends?"

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