Anniversary Gift (last part)

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The next day went on with shivika, especially shivaay consciously making an effort to bring back the normal routine, the one where he is with annika and not trying to stay away from her.

Shivaay woke up in the morning, got ready and unlike the last two days, he went in kissed annika's forehead and whispered a goodbye to her before leaving for office! At lunch hours, he called annika and reminded her to have her lunch and had his lunch and medicines too. He came early home and prepared aloo puri for annika before she came back from work. Annika felt delighted eating aloo puri made by him after ages, ages for her, and as usual his hand made aloo puri is the best aloo puri she ever tasted.

After having dinner, both of them retired towards their room.  Both of them did the thing they were habituated of doing in their bedroom, baatein(talking) and then they drifted to sleep with annika putting her head on shivaay's chest.

It was midnight when annika woke up. She extended her hand on the bed and was shocked to find the bed empty. She looked around the room but didn't see shivaay there. She took her mobile to see the time, her attention went on the date and she got a little scared, scared that her shivaay would go on the ride of the same guilt trip and thought processes again!

She was lost in her thoughts when she saw some brightness near the pool. She got down from the bed and walked towards the pool. She saw shivaay sitting on the chair besides the table,  with his back facing her. She was shocked as to why shivaay was sitting alone at this hour, was her fear true?

She softly put her hand over shivaay's shoulder,  shivaay looked at her and to her surprise he was....Smiling! He got up from their chair,  kissed annika on her forehead and whispered into her ear " happy anniversary jaan"!
To say annika was shocked would be an understatement.  It was 30th November,  the day when he married her forcefully. Earlier, when she had planned a surprise for him for their forced marriage anniversary,  he had drowned in guilt leading to his breakdown. He was almost gonna leave her for the same thing, and today he was wishing her for the anniversary!  is this her dream?

" Shivaay " annika said in a questioning tone.
" Annika, I just wished you on our anniversary, won't you wish me back? It's my anniversary too! "
Tears formed in annika's eyes. How she had always wished shivaay to come over his guilt and rather celebrate their togetherness and now when it was happening, she had no idea how to react, she was feeling content.

" happy anniversary shivaay" annika said with her voice breaking while a tear escaped from her eye.
Shivaay immediately wiped her tear,  as if a reflex.
" why are you crying annika? I thought you would be happy if I celebrate this anniversary but if it reminds you of the hurtful memories than I will stop.." before shivaay could complete annika put her palm over his mouth.
" Shivaay, i am really happy that finally you are over your guilt. These tears are tears of happiness"
" I won't say I am completely over my guilt, but today I am taking the first step towards it. I had done wrong to you that day but I realised I am doing more wrong to you by feeling guilty everytime and hence making you suffer. When I see you in pain I feel like burning the whole world, so I know how much hurt you would feel seeing me hurt. I am  trying to fulfill the promise I made to you yesterday" Shivaay explained his state of mind.

Overcoming guilt is not easy, annika knew it and the fact that shivaay was trying to do it just for her made her extremely delighted and she immediately took shivaay into a bone crushing hug. They stood in that position for a minute until shivaay said
" I can't plan surprises as good as you do, but I have made a cake to celebrate this moment"
That's when annika's attention went on the cake which was placed on the table. Her mouth started to water by merely looking at the chocolate cake with appeared extremely delicious. Shivaay forwarded the knife towards her and  both of them cut the cake together. 
Shivaay took a piece of cake and instead of putting it in annika's mouth, he took it towards his own mouth to which annika literally tried to strangle him and both of them burst into laughter.

After feeding the cake to each other and enjoying their moment to the fullest, shivika returned back to their room. They were just gonna sleep when annika got reminded of something and exclaimed,  " Shivaay"
"ha" Shivaay replied.
" you gave me our anniversary gift, a gift from my side is remaining " annika said blushing to which shivaay got really excited.
" close your eyes" Annika ordered and shivaay followed her.
Shivaay was expecting some really beautiful surprise just when he heard a feeble sound " thud" and felt a little pain,  the pain which was a result of annika's hand which landed on his cheek.
" what's this annika, you slapped your husband on our anniversary?"
" First of all mister,  this slap is for all that you put me and yourself through in the past 2 days. I could have forgiven you if you had hurt me but I cant forgive you easily for the pain you gave to yourself.  So this is your punishment and you know you deserve it" annika said play fully to which shivaay smiled.
" And secondly if you know,  it's not only our wedding anniversary but also its my first slap anniversary, we need to celebrate that also right" and both shivaay annika started laughing.  shivaay was laughing his heart out while annika was just staring him, suddenly she held his cheeks, turned his face towards herself and placed a kiss on his cheek, the same place  where she slapped him.
Shivaay was shocked for a moment. He tried to hide his blush and maintained his posture.
" this is your gift, thank you for being the biggest happiness of my life.  Thank you for being my sun" annika said and shivaay hugged her.

" waise shivaay"
" haa annika" Shivaay looked towards her and saw her expressions change from smile to a tint of anger.
" why did you put your property in my name?" annika questioned angrily and shivaay got scared.

" woh..woh how do you know " Shivaay asked fumbling.
" that doesn't matter, answer my question. Why did you put your property in my name. Don't you trust me and my ability?"
" how does the trust come in between annika? Why can't I put my property in your name? You are my wife and it's your right! "
" No shivaay, it's your hardwork and no one has more rights on it than you"
" are we both different annika? " Shivaay questioned.
" if we are the same, so what's the point of keeping it on my name shivaay? Whatever is yours is anyways mine right!" Annika counter questioned.
" Annika, it's my need to think about your and saahils security.  What if something happens to me..."
" don't you dare go there shivaay! " Annika said as her eyes reflected the anger.
" Annika, you are my wife. You always ask a part in my hardships and pain, you deserve a part in my happiness. Please don't snatch away my right of giving you that happiness" Shivaay said in a soft voice and annika didn't get any words to argue further. 

She put her head back on his chest and muttered
" why are you like this shivaay, i can't even argue with you. I am just agreeing for your happiness " annika said softly.
" Ab aisa hi hoon main, aadat daal lo, issi tadibaaz ke saath rehna hai tumhe" Shivaay said and annika smiled.

" Shivaay, now you have to learn to control your tadi. "
" why" Shivaay questioned,  surprised! 
" cause you won't be a tadibaaz anymore, someone will come and you won't have any choice but agree to whatever would be said. " Annika said blushing making shivaay more confused.
" what do you mean annika" Shivaay asked.
" we are gonna have a junior tadibaaz,  shivaay!" Annika exclaimed and shivaay stood there like a statue.
Annika was confused seeing him expression less and suddenly she saw a tear escape from his eyes.
" I am going to be a father" Shivaay exclaimed with a beautiful smile on his face. Annika had never seen shivaay smile like this, it's not that he never smiled but this smile was very different. Annika was busy staring at her husband when he took her into a bone crushing hug.
" I am so happy annika, this is the best anniversary gift I can ever get"
He bent down and touched annika's stomach
" my mini khidkitod,  I can't wait for you to arrive.  mumma papa are so happy as you are gonna enter our world. " saying this shivaay kissed on her belly.

He got up and said " I will love my daughter even more than you"
"how are you sure it's gonna be a daughter?"
" I am her father and I know it's gonna be my mini khidkitod "
" Shivaay, i am the mother, the baby is growing inside me and I know it's gonna be my junior tadibaaz sso with Kanji aankhien "
With this their banters started to welcome the new light of their life. The bad memories were replaced by good ones resulting into moments which they would cherish forever.

So guys this was the final update of the story " anniversary gift". It was supposed to be a 3 or 4 shot but extended to be a 9 shot. Thank you for giving so much love to this story.
Wish you all a very happy anniversary of shivika's first wedding! The iconic moment which still gives goosebumps.
Please share feedback or criticism.  😀

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