Case 1.5 - In Too Deep

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Normally, she should've noticed us by now.


The way she firmly gripped her sword; perpendicular to her head level as the tip of the blade faced towards the hole in the wall. The way her fiery scarlet eyes glared at the obscured hole; as if she saw something we didn't.

Her left hand tightly wrapped around the hilt as the right palm rested below it for support.

She must be dealing with someone or something serious considering the number of cuts scattered around her arms and legs.

Surprisingly, her uniform remained unscathed.

As the debris settled down, everything went quiet for a moment. Nora kept her stance, unwavering — her eyes didn't even flinch for a moment.

Meanwhile, I was lying on the ground as Cassia lied on top of me, slightly cowering in fear with her eyes closed.

And as the moment passed, Nora's eyes widened. "I found you~" she taunted with a devilish grin on her face. She shifted her legs for a bit, preparing to strike — or was waiting for it to strike.

Whatever that thing was.

Incomprehensible, deep groans and breathing echoed from the other side of the wall as a dark figure soon emerged from the clouded hole.

Without a second thought, Nora thrust — no, propelled her sword directly at the dark figure.

It was a well-coordinated strike.

She switched the roles she set on her hands — using her left hand for support and using most of her strength on her right palm — as it drove her sword to whatever her target was. Shifting her balance on her front leg as she leaned forward to take the shot, the sword darted through the hole in the wall, creating a shock wave that cleared out all the remaining dust and debris that made the other side obscured.

A deformed and mutilated body of a man hung from Nora's sword, lifeless as a slow stream of black liquid oozed from his chest — a deep cavity was formed from Nora's powerful piercing impact. Whatever that thing was, it wasn't able to withstand Nora's unstoppable force.

I raised my head up as my eyes widened in shock from the view in front of me, but that was all my body did in reaction to the gruesome view in front of me.

It was questionable how I was completely staggered after unraveling who Cassia was, yet I stood completely aloof in front of a dead person — well, entity.

"You seem quite bored," Nora grabbed my attention as she walked through the hole to retrieve her sword, "if anyone else were here, they'd be panicking by now."

Normally, one would be disgusted enough to keep a safe distance from a fresh corpse, but Nora just laughed as she wrapped her hands around the sword's handle, firmly as it should. Placing her right foot on the wall beside the corpse's face, she swiftly pulled the sword out and up, slicing the corpse from the chest up in the process.

As expected from the one crowned as Queen of all anomalies self-entitled.

Though, that must've been a formidable opponent — whatever that thing is, to survive that long and to scathe Nora.

"Is it bad if I didn't give much of a reaction to what you just did?" I retorted.

With her here, I could finally get some questions answered and misunderstandings cleared.

"Oh c'mon," Nora pouted, tearing a piece of cloth from the corpse's clothes to wipe the black liquid off her sword, "it's just a level 3 anomaly, Hans. Plus, he's the one who harassed me first."

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