Addendum 1.1

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[Cassia's POV]

It felt like the entire world froze, as if time stopped for a moment.

But time never stops for anyone, right?

Not even for me.

Oh, how mean time is — and will always be.

Though one could safely say that time did in fact stop for a short moment if they were in Cassia's shoes — in my shoes. In reality, however, perhaps I just could not absorb everything that just happened a few seconds ago.

My own incompetence still relentlessly bothers me, even after my demise.

But I still tried — slowly, though I hoped surely as well.

"If only I could turn back time." These words echoed in my head as I fell on my back, away from the speeding truck that could have harmed me. The same words that deluded me to think that I was still alive. That I still had a reason to turn my nose up from death and reject him forever.

Neither of us knew that it did not pose a threat to me at all...

Hans got too distracted over me, while I got too distracted over Hans's presence.

"But that is not what I should be saying now, should I?" I asked myself, "If only I could move on."

"From the very beginning, if I had just moved on..."

It seemed that Hans was already enjoying his life without me. If I had not approached him at that moment, things would have gone so much better for him.

He always threw away everything for me — even his own life. Why would he? I am merely a hindrance meant to inconvenience him the longer I stay by his side.

All I could do was grit my teeth as the swarming thoughts in my head slowly deafened me, making everything a blur — my thoughts, my vision, my sanity.

As if everything went numb.

"Then maybe — just maybe. You would not have to suffer again."

A bitter mixture of despair and regret spread in my eyes as I stared at Hans's lifeless body dented in front of the truck.

"Again, it is my fault." Hopeless, I lowered my head as my bangs averted my view away from reality. Though, I could still hear the loud bang that rang in my ears the moment Hans's body collided with the truck just to save my life.

My petty life.


With a sigh, I snapped back to reality, standing up as if the numbness was not even there to begin with, "Even if I know how futile it is, I cannot help but at least try to change the way things are." I finally muttered under my breath.

I finally spoke.

After drowning in my sea of thoughts, I finally spoke.

My body felt sore, tired, fatigued. It felt like I could collapse at any moment, but I still slowly approached the road and faced my right, "Why..."

My body trembled, but not in fear.

My heart started to race as I took a deep breath, focusing on the truck that was trying to drift away, leaving a trail of blood. My eyes widened as blood crept in my body, giving a tingling sensation.

Something overwhelming to the point that I could not hold it in anymore.

"For once, let me do something right for you!"

In a snap, I snapped.

I finally cried out in rage as I stomped my right foot forth and swung both my hands to my front, facing the truck. My arms trembled furiously as my hands tensed up — as if I wanted to claw the truck out in anger and frustration.

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