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The nerves were strong within the members of SuperM as from the background and in front of them, all eight could hear the voice of Ellen as she was in the process of wrapping up one segment before going on a break and introducing SuperM to the world. Each member held their own variety of nervousness; from Mark who acted as the mood maker spreading his excitement with his eldest hyungs assuring them that their English was fine, to Maeum who surrounded herself within her nerves and spiraling into an anxietic state.
She had all too fondly remembered the last time she had been on the Ellen show as BTS. The female member most especially probed on her romantic life and if she was sleeping with one or all the members within the group. The questions were a slap to the face for Maeum, not only diminishing her importance as nothing but a sex toy but for the members to face the same treatment was less than stellar.
Maeum knew she would be asked about the switch from BTS and SuperM and though she no longer found it to be betraying (with the help of both group's members) but, to give her answers in English (a subject she was still dealing with) fueled her mind on her awkward answers.
"Hey?" A hand grasped hers.
"You alright?"
She looked from the hand to its owner to see the concerned laced doe-eyes belonging to Taeyong who stood center among the seven other faces that had stood around her in concern. It seemed as their own concerns had been pushed off feeling the anxiety radiating off the second eldest.
"Yeah," she winced when her voiced cracked, "I'm just a...bit nervous from being back. The last time I was here it was...less than thrilling." She suppressed the croak in her throat by letting out a cough. Eyes to the hand that had yet to be let go of but rather, another hand grasped her free hand.
Baekhyun pressed a small kiss to the hand he had grasped. By default, Maeum felt her nervous lesson from the small contact. It was something long ago during her debut that Jin used to do to her whenever she got way into her head that had always calmed her. He hadn't used it in a while and for a long time, she felt that she wouldn't need to when her members themselves became reminders to keep calm.
"You're worried about the dating and BTS questions aren't you?" Taeyong had spoken up. His soft doe-eyes strengthened when Maeum's head dropped from his gaze proving his rhetorical question right. He didn't admit it considering BTS on Ellen occurred at a time where he and Maeum were on their awkward and fumbling stages of being friends again. He tried not to keep too much track on her (which he failed at) but he saw the interview and how invasive it had gone. Maeum was a whiz at masking her emotions so to any normal watcher she appeared quiet but to him and ARMYs they could see the level of hurt and anger from the questions.
He could only imagine the anxiety circulating through her standing with seven completely different members, promoting a new group and doing all things used to their line of work with certain people who had to be called family.