22: Honest lies

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September 24, Tuesday
7:45 AM

I just arrived at school and I'm slowly making my way to my classroom. My body feels weighted down by what I discovered last night. The thought of my bestfriend basically being my 'love rival' made me feel like a bad person, and it was making me feel sick to the stomach.

There's no way I can tell her this.

But there's no escaping the chaos that's going to happen.

With every step I took approaching my classroom I felt weaker and weaker.

I lacked sleep, I'm confused, I don't know. I'm having all these emotions and it's a pain.

"Lydia, goodmorning!" A soft voice greets me from behind, giving me a startle. It was just Maia.

"Hey, Maia."

Maia picks up her pace and catches up to me.

"Woah. Are you alright?" She gave me a sad look, and I nodded.

"Yeah. I was just busy last night studying."

"Really? Is that what it takes to reach a girl of your wits?"


"You're just sooo amazing Lydia! But you shouldn't push yourself too hard though."


Now I'm just sounding awkward.

I gave Maia a half hearted smile, and after that we spent the rest of the short walk to our classroom in silence.

I didn't quite hesitate to enter the classroom since I know Ari usually arrives around 8 o clock.

Though I have a mini heart attack everytime someone would enter the classroom.

I am not at all prepared for what I'm going to say to Ari.

So after heading to my seat and putting my stuff down, I took out my notebook and began scribbling some ugly unidentified beings.

I can do a lot of things, but certainly not draw.

I subconsciously hoped that the person seated behind me wasn't looking at what I was drawing.



"Why are you two yelling?"

Ari stopped in her tracks, I accidentally threw my notebook and the person in front of me and Maia was questioning why the two of us yelled.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no

Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale!

"I was just excited to see Lydia!" Ari continued walking over to us then taking her seat.

The person sitting in front of me handed my notebook back and I apologized for my actions.

Yeeting my stuff 8 in the morning.

"Uh... I just got a little suprised since I was so focused on what I was drawing haha..." I laughed awkwardly and Maia sighed.

"Jee Lydia, is something bothering you? You've been acting weird since earlier." Maia asks me.

"No, I told you I'm just tired from studying."

"Are you sure that's it though?"

"And I'm lacking sleep."

"Oh no! Did you stay awake all night waiting for Theo's reply?" Ari joins in.

"Ehh- no..."

"Did he respond yet? What did he say??"

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