A new year special

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This is just a special chapter in celebration of a new decade uwu

And this will be written dialogue style.

I hope you all enjoy and once again, happy new year!


Lydia: Hey Ari, what are you looking at?

Arianna: Just some pictures of Theo~ He's so adorable!

Lydia: Yeah... He really is-

Theo: Did someone say my name?

Arianna: [Whispering to Lydia] omg omg! How'd he get here?!

Lydia: [Also whispering] Don't ask me!

Theo: I can hear you two you know...

Dean: Lydia darling, there you are! You've been slacking off during your shifts recently!

Lydia: [Backs up] Boss!? Wtf where did you come from!?

Arianna: Language Lydia!

Lydia: Sorry sorry!

Theo: Lydia cusses? I didn't think she's that kind of person. Soda girl, you're really full of suprises hm?

Lydia: I'm pretty sure everyone cusses you know!

Arianna: Except you cuss as a habit when you're suprised or agitated. -_-"

Dean: Do you know how many times she cussed at customers?

Lydia: Shush. They were being extremely rude ok!

Theo: Hahahahah!

Lydia: What's so funny!?

Theo: Nothing nothing~ It's just, before I ever really knew you I thought you were the 'influencer' kind of girl.

Lydia: Ya got a problem with the person I really am!?

Theo: No, I just think it's kind of cute.

Lydia: W-wha? >///<

Arianna: [Whispering to Dean] They're so cute...Ó╭╮Ò

Dean: Are you jealous?

Arianna: A little bit :((

Theo & Lydia: What's the point in whispering if we can still hear you two! And I'd never go out with a person like this!

Dean: ....

Arianna: ....

Maia: SHIP!

Sylvie: SHIP! (2)

Theo, Lydia & Arianna: When and how did you guys get here!?

Maia: I am everywhere.

Sylvie: I am omnipresent!


Everyone except Lydia and Arianna: Who are you? (・ัω・ั)

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