25: It's me

949 81 35

September 30, monday
7:00 AM

"Lydia! Wake up! You've slept through your alarm!" My mother continuously knocks at my door, but my eyes were staring lifelessly at the ceiling.

I've gotten no sleep and I spent the entire night drowning in my thoughts.

I should've given myself at least an hour and a half to sleep. I feel like I could pass out anytime now.

"Lydia get up!" She continues to knock. "Don't make me come in there missy!"

Sure mom...

I don't want to go to school. I don't want to face Ari.

At this rate, I'll probably skip work as well.

Whatever, I won't be working for that much longer. And even if I get a new laptop, things between me and Theo will no longer be the same.

I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes then I lay back down, ignoring the sound of my mom knocking on my door.

The knocking soon stops and the door creaks open. My mom slowly enters my room then sits on my bed looking at me sympathetically.

"Your chat with Arianna yesterday still bothering you?"


"You do know that you still have to go to school though right?"

"I don't want to mom,You're not forcing me. Besides, I can just ask my friends about what activities I missed."

"Mhm. No. You're still going."

"But mom!-"

"No buts. Now go take a shower and get changed. Or I'll take the money you've earned from you part time then." Her expression changes from sympathetic to slightly annoyed.

"Fine, take it. There's no use in it now!" I sit up once again and throw my arms into the air, and my mom's expression quickly softens.

That was 3 different moods within less than a minute, great job mom.

"Lydia..." My mom pauses. "Fine, take the day off. But only today, alright?" My mom tells me with reluctance in her voice.

One day is just enough. I can't miss too much or I'll ruin the 'good student' reputation I have. Not that it really matters to me-

"Yeah, Thanks mom..." I smile at her and give her a gentle hug, after that she exits my room, leaving me to go back to thinking.

Oh right, I should text my boss that I won't be present for today.

I grab my phone from the table beside my bed, unlocking it then texting my boss.

Big boss

Hey boss! I won't be able to attend work today since I'm feeling a little unwell :( :Me

After sending the message I turn my phone back off and set it down, knowing he'll probably respond after an hour or so.

Boss is really nice, so I'm sure he'll be alright with me missing a day.

The store doesn't get too many customers either.

I let out a big yawn and go back to laying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. The tiredness is really starting to get to me.

Looks like I'll just sleep then and worry about everything else later.

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