26: It's you

990 69 71

September 30, Monday
5:20 PM

"All this time..." Theo says in a small voice.

"Yeah... But Theo, my bestfriend likes you too."

"And you don't want to hurt her feelings." He sighs.

"Exactly. But I don't like it... The pain I feel when I imagine you and Ari together."

"Arianna is nice but..." Theo stops in the middle of his sentence and bites his lip.


"The person I ended up liking is you, not her. And my feelings aren't shallow, I can't just let go of them in a snap of my fingers." He tells me with a tint of red in his cheeks.

"I-is that so."

"Ehem ehem." I hear my parents coughing in the background.

Can you two please leave us alone!

Theo looks over at my parents as if they had something planned, then he looks back at me with a stern expression.



"Can I get to know you more? In the real world that is..." Theo smiles at me and grabs my hand, causing my face to heat up.

Oh great, I'm blushing-

His hands were quite soft and warm, wrapping around mine gently and it made me feel calm.

"Sure... I'd love to know more about you too." I answer awkwardly.

"Aww!" I hear my mom squeeling and my dad telling her to calm down.

"That's great." Theo responds and lets go of my hand, then lifting it up and patting my head. "I spent three months feeling utterly broken, and then I find out that the girl who I've been searching for was someone I just pass through the halls about every day."

"Well the feelings are mutual." I laugh.

"I really wish I knew sooner though..."

"Why so?"

"Because then I would've made the most out of the times we spent together in the past."

"Heh, we still have a long life ahead of us though." I grin. "Anyway, how's Sylvie and Cereal?" I ask.

"Sylvie crazy misses you, And cereal is as apathetic as ever."

"Not much of a shocker there."


"Would you two like some pizza?" My mom breaks out from her silence and proceeds to take a seat across me on the couch. "It's getting a little late and I'm feeling too lazy to cook.

"Sure Mrs. Hill." Theo answers.

"Pizza timee~" I chirp.

The perfect pair of a good soda!

"Alright. What flavors?"

"A margarita pizza, with stuffed crust!" I suggest happily.

"That sounds pretty good." Theo tells me. "The only pizza I ever really order is Hawaiian and Pepperoni."

"Pft do you live in a shell? You gotta try new things!!!" I nudge him.

"And that's what I'll be doing today."

My mom rings her phone and calls the pizza place while the rest of us stay silent and listen as she orders.

Hngg I'm really craving for some damn good pizza todayyyy!

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