27: I'm sorry

967 77 57

October 1, Tuesday
7:30 AM

"Lydia!" Theo greets me by the lockers. One hand was in his pocket and the other was waving at me while I looked at him in shock.

"You trimmed your bangs!" I say and walk over to him, looking closely at his eyes which were unbelievably pretty. "Why though?"

"Uhmm... I didn't think it would do good for your reputation if people found out you were with me... So I thought of changing myself-"

"No!" I cut him off. "I couldn't care less about my reputation Theo. I don't care what they think if they see me with you. I don't give a damn even if they talk smack about me!" I step closer to him, our faces only a couple inches apart. "You don't need to change yourself for me, because I like you the way you are." I distance myself from him and sigh. "I like the boy who makes me laugh and say ridiculous stuff all the time."

"Lydia I-" Theo suddenly pulls me into a tight hug. "Remember when I made you say you can't live without me?"

Wa wa wa wa wait a moment! I was not mentally prepared for this!

"Y-yeah?" I hug him back and the two of us just stand there in a hug.

It was nice, warm, and calming.

"I don't think I can live without you either..."

"Pft that sounds exaggerated." I say jokingly

"Is that Lydia from class 3-1 and Theo from 3-2? Girl are they a thing?" I hear two girls talking as they walk by.

"Lydia I think we should let go for now- others might call it PDA hehe..."

"You're right."

The two of us let go and stare at each other awkwardly for a good few seconds.

I can never get used to staring at his eyes, it's like they hold it's own universe...

"Want me to walk with you to your class now?" Theo offers.


7:58 AM

"I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah." I bid Theo a quick farewell and head to my seat.

"Lydiaaaa!" Maia clings to my arm before I could take a seat and put my stuff down. "What happened to you? Me and Ari were so worried!"

"Calm down! I was just feeling a little bit unwell the other day..."

"Are you sure? Ari was saying something about it being her fault that you were absent... And the entire day she's been spacing out!"

"I-is that so..."

Ari should be here soon as well...

I should probably have a more honest chat with her about all this...

"Now you're spacing out too!" Maia cries out and lets go of my arm, allowing me to put my stuff down and take my seat.

"Hehe, sorry Maia." I flash her a cheerful eyebrow and she raises her brow. Her hand touches my forehead as if she was checking my temperature.

"Hmm you don't seem to be having a fever or anything..." Maia pauses to think. "Did something happen Lydia? You rarely flash a smile like that. And whenever you do, it means something good Happened."

"I guess you could say that..."

They did say, "love changes people"

Is Theo becoming my first love?

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