23: Mother's advice

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September 24, Tuesday
6:00 PM

"Lydia, you looked troubled."

I was poking the brocolli on my plate, my thoughts a mess and my mouth refusing to open and ingest the vegetables my mom prepared for me to eat along with steak.

"I'm not troubled at all mom." I say sarcastically.

"Then by now you would've been finished eating. Now tell mom what's up."

"It's nothing important."

I continue poking at my broccoli till I hear a heavy sigh coming from my mom.

"You know you can't keep things from me Lydia, I am your mother."

I can't keep things from anyone for goodness sake!

"Fine, there is something bothering me mom."

"Is it about a boy?"

"Wha- of course not! Jee, I'm not interested in dating yet mom! You know that!"

"That's what I told my mom when I was your age too."

I pout at my mom and finally take a bite out of my broccoli.

"At that time I was already dating your dad." She continued.

"Highschool sweethearts, that's cute. But mom, I really don't have a boyfriend ok!"

"Then just tell me what's bothering you already." My mom pauses to take a bite of her steak, slowly chewing then swallowing. "Unless you would like to talk about this when dad is around. If this is about a boy then he wouldn't be very happy Lydia."

"Why do you keep saying it's about a boy?"

"Because I've been in the position you are in now."

Oh dear, looks like there is absolutely no escaping this.

I'm at a dead end.

"Touché mom." I say bitterly as I stab my steak then grab my knife and begin cutting it. "I've liked this boy online for a really long time..." My eyes slowly look away from my mom and stare at the walls. Talking about the guy I liked with my mom just felt weird and awkward and at the same time I feel slightly embarassed.

"I never knew what he looked like, where he was from...- you know, personal information." I continued and my mother nodded, listening to me as she continued to eat.

She seems to be listening very attentively.

"And I broke my laptop a few months ago, remember that mom? Well, the guy I liked confessed to me. I got so giddy that I accidentally threw my laptop into the air. After that happened, Ari mentioned Theo looking extremely gloomy."

"Who is this Theo you speak of?" My mom asks.

"Ah, he was the guy who brought me home when I fell asleep in the bus. And Ari has a huge crush on him."

"Oh! I remember him, he was such a gentle fellow!" My mom giggles. I attempt to roll my eyes but I only ended up smiling.

Heh, I get it mom. Theo is a nice guy, I know!

"After that, I learned that the timing of Theo's gloom and when I broke my laptop wasn't a coincidence. I found out that Theo was Dread, my long time online crush."

"That's great!" My mom squeeled.

"No it's not!" I frowned at her.

"Why not?"

"Because Ari likes him mom! She'll be so mad if she finds out about this..."

"She'll find out one way or another."

"I know!" I push my plate away abruptly then lean against the chair, brushing one hand through my hair and rubbing my scalp. "I don't know what to do mom!"

"Well how about things with Theo then. How did he react?"

"He doesn't know either. I've been avoiding their questions."

"You're not making things any easier for yourself you know." My mom puts down her fork and leans against the table. "The quickest, and best thing to do is tell them the truth."

"Then what mom? Lose my bestfriend?"

"Arianna seems like she's a great friend, Lydia. She won't hate or get extremely mad at you for what's happened. It'll be worst if you hide the truth from her any longer."

"I know mom but... I don't want to see her sad."

"So you're willing to give up the boy you've liked for so long, to keep your bestfriend happy?"

That's something I can't even answer for myself mom.

I hit my head against the table thrice then sit up straight. "I don't know..."

"Lydia, You can't say that you don't know."

"Well I'm saying it mom!"

"One of you girls will have to make a sacrifice." My mom tells me with a stern look. "You need to make a choice Lydia."

I need to make a choice.

And it won't be an easy one.


I wonder what Lydia is going to do.(✯ᴗ✯)

Do you think she'll give up Theo for Ari?
Or will she tell Theo the truth and have a happy ending for herself?
We shall find out soon uwu


Question of the day: Would you be able to give up the person you like for a friend/bestfriend?

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