24: Will I give you up?

889 78 43

September 29, Sunday
11:05 AM

"Lydiaaa! I'm here!" The café bell chimes as the door was opened and Ari skips over to the table I was seated at, then occupying the seat infront of me. "So what did you need?"

"I need to... Talk to you about something."

"I've been waiting for this the whole week you know."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Her lips curl into a cheeky smile and her eyes stared straight into my soul as if she already knows what I'm about to say. "Spill the tea sister."

"This is about Theo."

"Quite obviously, Lydia. You've been acting very weird every time I mention him now."


"Now what is it about him? Did you end up having a crush on him too or something??" She gives me a scornful look.

"No no!" Well uh yes- But that wasn't quite my intention...

"Then what about him?"

"Are you two ready to order?" The waitress approaches with a menu, sparing me more time to live.

"I'll have a cappuccino and a sweet roll." Ari tells her with a smile. She's been here far too many times and practically memorizes the menu by now. "How about you Lydia?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Alright then." The waitress smiles and heads off.

"Ok Lydia, this time nothing is going to save you."

"I know!"

There was a minute silence between the two of us due to me hesitating.

It's like the words are there, written in my head but they won't roll of my tongue.

"Ma'am, there aren't anymore sweet rolls-" The waitress returns just as quick as she left, catching her breath.

Well maybe I'm a little bit lucky?

"Bloody hell!" Ari lashes out, garnering looks from everyone in the café. "S-sorry, I'm just feeling a little aggravated-"

Big wow

I did NOT see that coming.

Upset Ari always suprises me. I get a cold sweat at the thought.

"Someone stole the sweetrolls ma'am. But there are still sticky cinnamon buns, if you would like that instead..." The waitress says, her voice slightly shaky.

"No thanks, I'll just have the cappuccino."

The waitress nods and quickly heads off, while Ari murmurs something I couldn't understand.

"Did you say something?" I ask.

"How could they have no more sweet rolls!" Ari whines.

"You heard what the lady said, someone stole it."

"Yeah yeah. Now once again!" Ari slightly raises her voice. "What's this about Theo?"

"I know who his online crush is..."

"Omg!" Ari's eyes widen and she gets up from her seat. "Who is it who is it? I must know so we can dispose her!" She squeels.

Oh dear...

"T-that's quite yandere, Ari." I let out a faint laugh.

"You don't look very happy about it though."


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