19: Got your back

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June 25, Tuesday
9:00 PM


Crazy Bestie(。・ω・。)

Come on answer Ari... Answer!

I was cradling myself while tears streamed down my face, unable to accept what just happened. I just can't tell if the world hates me, maybe fate won't let us be, or it was sheer bad luck. Damn this.

I put down my phone which was still ringing, waiting for Ari to answer, then I turned my gaze to where the ghost of my computer sits. Empty.

It was on thing for my computer to break, but another having it break the moment Dread confessed to me. Eh, it was my fault too though. I got too excited and yeeted my laptop into the air.

"LyDIAaaqAaaaAaa" the sound of a screeching voice comes out of my phone's speaker and startles me. "What are you calling me for at a time like this?"

"I broke my laptop." I responded, my voice slow and stuffy. Then I hear the sound of a sympathetic sigh coming from Ari. "I'll be there in a bit."

9:25 PM

"Lydia!! Your friend is here!" My mom calls.

"Just let her in and tell her to come to my room." I say, shifting closer to my door to make sure my mom heard me, then I shifted back to my bedside. And in just a couple seconds, the door swings open and the bright and happy Arianna Ward skips inside, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

"You look horrible!" She pouts and sits down infront of me, scanning my face. "Your eyes are swollen as heck! Lydia how long have you been crying!?"

"Approximately an hour and thirty minutes now."

"Aww come on... You still have a switch!" She reasons.

"But Dread doesn't."

"Oh, it's about Dread..." Ari patted my head softly. "Why not ask your parents to buy you a new one?"

"No!" I hear my parents say unanimously from outside my door. Are they eavesdropping?!

"And you know what made it worst?" I paused. "Dread just fricking confessed to me!"

Ari's jaw dropped then she began squeeling."Noooo wayyy, HE DID!??"

"Yes, he did." I forced a smile. I was happy, truly. Like my heart skyrocketed, but now I left him hanging and I bet he's going to think I hate him.

"W-well... How'd your laptop break then?"

"I got so happy that I pushed my chair back then it tipped over..." I sighed. "And then I kicked my feet upwards and there went my laptop."

"Aww... Well, I have an idea... Nyehee!" Ari smiles cheekily.

"Go on..."

"Get a part time job!"

"A part time job?" I paused for a second. "Well... A job would work, I guess."

"Come on! Put in a little enthusiasm" Ari nudges me with her arm.

"Ugh fine... It's not like I have any other option."

"Yeyyy, she gave in!" Ari squealed and took my hands. "Looks like we're going to go job hunting! Let's do it this weekend, is that ok?"

"Yeah sure."

"Hey Mr. And Mrs. Hill?? Is it ok if Lydia gets a job?" Ari says in a louder voice, and a unanimous yes comes from my parents.

This is going the worst decision I've ever made. But hey, I have to do this if I want to talk to Dread again.

"I am already imagining it~" Ari chirps. "Lydia socializing! Communicating with strangers and being a huge benefit to society! Heheheee..."

"You make it sound like I'm a NEET-"

"Well maybe you are." Ari smirks playfully.

"Not! Anyways, I'm not going to do anything requiring to much exposure." I roll my stuffy eyes.

"Heh!" Ari gets up and stretches herself along with a big yawn. "I should really get going now, I don't want to worry my mom."

"Yeah, the streets are scary at night too. Thanks for coming over." I smile at Ari with heavy gratitude. "See you tomorrow!"

"See you!" Ari waves by and heads out.

A best friend has always got your back...


Another short chapter QwQ I promise the future chapters will be longer hehe

But nonetheless I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!!


Question of the day: in your opinion, what makes a friendship strong?

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