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There's always someone who's more happy than someone else. Just as there's always someone who's more sad than someone else. Then who is the happiest.. and who is the saddest? That question doesn't really have an answer. That's what Jimin thought about as he sat on the old rusted swing. He would come to the park often to sit and collect his thoughts. He knew there was someone who had to be more sad than him and yet his depression ate away his life. He knew he meant nothing. When he was 15 his parents kicked him out. They just couldn't have a son that was gay like him. He understood. They where very religious.. so he knew why.

He couldn't find a job. So he never worked. That's why he often got caught in the rain. He didn't have a home. He most definitely was homeless. He'd been homeless for so long he forgot what it was like to sleep in a bed. As the rain poured down he looked up at the sky, closing his eyes as the hard drops of water plummeted onto his soft face. He sighed. This was how he spent everyday. Just staring up blankly at the sky as the world moved around him. Nobody noticed him and he was okay with that. He understood. Nobody wanted to talk to the homeless kid. Finally he stood from the swing and aimlessly walked through the mud. It really did seem like he'd been walking forever. Maybe that's because all he did was walk. Without a place to go.

As the sun set the cold rushed in, tangling itself around Jimin's body and holding him tight, never letting go. The boy shivered as he continued walking. He stared up at the pale moon and all the stars surrounding it as he sent a silent plea. "Please god.." he whispered. He wasn't even sure there was a god but he was desperate. "Please.. make my suffering go away.. I can't take it anymore...." as he finally looked down, letting a single tear drop from his tear ducts and cascade down his cheek to his quivering chin. That's when he heard something that he was unfortunately used to. A gravely deep voice calling out. Calling him pretty boy and asking if he wanted to go home with him. Jimin almost said yes. At this point he'd do anything to not be stuck in the street starving slowly to his death with nowhere to go. Yet he shook his head. Even he didn't know why he was preserving his virginity. It's not like he was some perfect little angel free from sin. Or like he would find someone he deemed worthy.

Still his answer was set. He was keeping his virginity and that was final. Still the man inched closer, the sound of his voice turning angry as Jimin continued ignoring him. Finally he was fed up with yelling and grabbed the boys thin arm, jerking him towards himself. "I said you're coming with me! Let's go!" He yelled. Jimin whimpered in fear and pushed him away as hard as he could, running fast down the sidewalk, not wanting to be caught. The man chased behind him, his hard and loud footsteps echoing in Jimin's mind. The boy took turns and twists, doing everything to avoid the man at all costs but his vision started to blur. With nowhere to turn he ran to a club, it was filled with people. He knew someone would have to help.

The second he ran to the front porch, he collapsed in front of a man's feet. He stared at the expensive black dress shoes and let his eyes wander to the man's face as he panted hard, clearly out of breath. There he saw the face of a man he'd never seen before. Jimin only thought of how beautiful he was. His eyes seemed to be black but through Jimin's blurred vision he was able to see a flash of a deep red in his iris. Heart shaped lips stuck in what seemed to be a permanent frown and dark raven hair, falling over his eyes and perfect eyebrows with a touch of red hidden on the ends. "Please.. help me..." Jimin whispered before finally, his vision disappeared as he blacked out.


Jungkook was pretty surprised to see this boy rush towards him, falling at his feet. As the small blonde muttered a tiny "please.. help me..." he looked up to see a creepy man who seemed to be in his forty's, running in their direction. He had a stubbly grey beard and disturbing green eyes that stared at the small defenseless boy with hunger. Jungkook sighed. He knew what kind of man he was. A gross perv. Jungkook didn't like rapists.. not one bit. Maybe it's because he used to be a good boy that would never think of this horrid things to be true. He wasn't sure. Jungkook happened to be the devil. The ruler of demons. The demon king. Still, he wasn't always a devil. He used to be a man, a business man, a sweet mama's boy. Instead he made bad decisions and ended up in Gehenna.

Gehenna was what the humans liked to call hell. Except it wasn't like how they thought it was. It wasn't some pit of lava and fire that burned them alive over and over. It was dark, and cold. A place filled with loneliness and despair. When someone went to hell they where turned into hideous beasts. Covered in black ink. They would fight each other to get a higher rank. To move up the latter. The one to kill the previous king would be crowned king or queen themselves. Jungkook killed many in his time in hell and nobody has been strong enough to kill him. He has generals and right hand men but thats the highest they will get. They are physically unable to kill Jungkook so he never has to worry about it, not like he would anyways.

He stared down at the tired and malnourished body of the boy and decided to do some good. See unlike angels, demons aren't able to just be bad. They are stuck with their human emotions. Of course the king is always much stronger but somehow this boy begging him for help was lucky. He was lucky that Jungkook was out for blood. He grabbed hold of the man's neck and sunk his nails deep inside, burning the flesh and watching him scream. Jungkook has no emotion whatsoever. He was much to used to it. "You are a disgusting excuse for a human being." He muttered before finally finishing him off, ripping a chunk clean from the man's neck and watching Him sink down to Gehenna, the ink creatures hands springing up and dragging him down towards them.

He picked up the body of the strange boy and brought him into the club and to one of the rentable rooms, laying him down and looking at him with a raised eyebrow as he pet back the soft blonde hair. "What a lucky boy you are.. lucky.. yet oh so unlucky to be within my presence." He said before walking out of the room, shutting the door and locking it behind him. "Sleep well.. Kitten."

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