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Jimin woke up, letting out a soft little yawn, looking outside. Out the window it looked to be raining.. gross weather. The boy pouted. That was until a shadow took away his attention, the boy rubbed his sleepy eyes knowing he must be seeing something while the black shadow morphed together until Yoongi was in sight. Like usual, he didn't speak a single word. He only reached a hand out to Jimin and waited. The small boy was confused but decided maybe he should take his hand. So he did, allowing Yoongi to guide him through the place while he let out a little giggle. There he was lead to a pretty garden. It was the only place outside that wasn't raining.. it was even sunny. Jimin was amazed, stepping with his bare feet onto the grass. "Wah Yoongi do you see- this..?" His voice trailed off as he looked behind himself to see Yoongi was gone. He found that strange but didn't question it, quickly running excitedly through the grass.

It was beautiful. Flowers and trees everywhere. As Jimin ran he found a giant hill.. where a beautiful cherry blossom tree sat. It was absolutely gorgeous and Jimin was amazed. He giggles, running around and playing. Jungkook watched him from afar, standing from the roof of the building and making sure he was distracted and happy. Jungkook knew that Taehyung was watching him and he actually trusted him enough to not sexually assult him. Taehyung made sure to keep the "Allusion" going on for awhile so he could tend to the club for the day. They had lots of cleaning to do and definently did not need the curious boy getting in the way or getting himself hurt.

That night. Jimin laid on the warm grass as he woke up from his nap feeling very hungry. The boy sleepily waddled out of the wood and into the club. His eyes widened in amazement the second he walked in. He watched all the people laughing, drinking and dancing together. He wandered around, getting pushed and groped the whole time he walked though the crowd. Jungkook could feel something was going on but he couldn't pinpoint what until he saw Taehyung inside, asleep on one of the couches. Obviously trusting him was a bad idea. He was just annoyed until he realized that meant Jimin was unattended. He didn't really know why he wanted to protect him so much either but he just had this strange nagging feeling that he should.

The second he saw the boy, passed out and getting chased from that creepy man he knew he had to take care of him. In anger he pushed Taehyung off the chair and glared at him. "If you want something done right. do it yourself." he mumbled before shutting his eyes and moving around to find Jimin. To be truthful, demons didn't even need to see though their eyes. They could hear everything and know what to do. Finally, a fluffy head of hair bumped into his chest ad he already knew it was Jimin. He held the boy's head there in his chest despite his confused noises. "Shh.. I'm here to save you kitten.." he whispered into his ear, earning a soft nod. Finally he opened his eyes knowing Jimin couldn't see them and quickly made his way to Jimin's bedroom. "Now Kitten. I need you to close your eyes. No pretending.. I'll know." he said gently Jimin closed his eyes.

He didn't know why but he felt like he could trust this man. His chest was warm and he smelled like.. ice and pine... it smelled good. Jimin allowed the stranger to direct him to his bedroom and lay him down on his bed. "No no.. keep your eyes closed Kitten..." he said softly, petting the boys hair back. "Sir..? Who are you..?" He asked sweetly. "My name is Jungkook.. I'm the one that took you in Kitty." The other answered. "Why did you save me Jungkook...?" The blonde asked in curiosity. "I don't know.." Jungkook answered honestly, going deep into thought. Really he hadn't even figured out why he kept the boy with him. Although maybe.. it was because he reminded him of his old self. "Sleep Kitten.. I'll keep watch for you..." he mumbled.


Jimin hadn't stopped thinking about that stranger since that night. He wondered who he was. He knew that he was the "boss" everyone there spoke about but he wanted to see him.. know what he looked like. Put a voice to a face. Jimin suddenly frowned. He's probably being a burden. He'd been so distracted by the hospitality and nice words he'd forgotten that he doesn't even deserve things like this. His mother had always told him that he was sinful. That he was a disgrace and how god must hate him. His frown deepened. Jimin hadn't liked himself much since he was about 7. When he realized he was gay. He would probably corrupt everyone in this house. He began to cry and walked over to the bathroom, looking around in drawers and cupboards. He wanted to hurt somewhere else. He wanted to feel a pain that wasn't in his heart.. one that could distract him from the guilt of his sins. Finally he found a razor.. an extra one. In frustration he pulled it apart, cutting his sensitive fingers from the action. Finally he pulled out a single blade and without even thinking, as if he was in a trance.. he sliced the skin on his arm, Shivering at the release.


The 6 men sat in the living room together, discussing all of the evil souls they'd captured over the week until all of them felt an odd feeling. Each of their eyes quickly turned into slits and glowed as they felt it. The energy they where forced to feed off of. Utter and complete despair. There was nobody in there house other than them.... except Jimin. They all stood up with wide eyes. "Jimin.." they all mumbled, quickly appearing into his bedroom. They listened close, of course Jungkooks hearing was the best out of them all. He heard the sound of blood tapping onto the sink. The hisses and sniffles of a small voice and the sound of metal raking through soft flesh. "Someone stop him!!" Jungkook yelled as Taehyung bursted the door open.

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