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The next morning Jimin woke up snuggled on Jungkooks chest. He smiled sweetly, feeling so warm and safe where he was. He felt the bigger mad stir and looked up in surprise to see him awake. Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. "Jimin...? What are you doing in my room..?" He asked. Jimin giggled a little under his messy blonde locks, causing Jungkook to slightly flush. "This is my room Jungkook. You came in here last night drunk." He said softly and stood up, stretching. Jungkook gulped and let his eyes trail down the boy's body. Jimin really was completely gorgeous all over.

Beautifully soft milk white skin, cute flat little tummy, fluffy hair, pretty brown eyes, soft plumped lips. Everything about him was beautiful... that's not even to mention the cake in his pants. Those thick thighs and round butt was making Jungkook nuts. Jimin sighed and looked down at Jungkook who was sitting on his bed still, practically drooling and smiled. "Come on.. let's go eat. I bet you're starving!!" He said cutely and grabbed the bigger mans hand, dragging him towards the kitchen where Jin was. The demon smelled Jimin's soul and his eyes turned pink again. He smiled softly, "hi dumpling.." he spoke in a motherly tone, softly hugging him and stroking his hair. "Hi hyung!!" Jimin exclaimed in a cute happy tone. "What's for breakfast? Do you need help?" He asked.

Jin looked at the omelets and then Jimin once again. He wasn't sure if he wanted Jimins help so he shook his head. "Don't worry about a single thing okay Dumpling? Go see everyone in the livingroom." And the boy did just that, skipping the whole way there. "Hi pup!~" Hoseok called, only to get a slap on the back of the head from Taehyung. "Hey! I wasn't hitting on him." And Taehyung rolled his eyes, not believing him. "Hi birdie.. come here" he called, stretching his arms out. Jimin smiled, waddling over time him and sitting on his lap, allowing Taehyungs big arms to engulf him completely.

Everyone in the room heard a soft, "cute.." from a faint yet deep voice. It was Yoongi. Everyone looked at him in shock and his face turned bright red. He's meant to be a little mysterious so he was embarrassed about letting out his true feelings. Jimin only smiled, "you're cute too Yoongi hyung." Causing Yoongis cheeks to turn even more red as he rushed out of the room. "Wow.. I've.. never seen him react like that before. You're a special boy Jimin." Namjoon said, holding back a chuckle. A war demon is not supposed to laugh.

Jungkook helped Jin in the kitchen and was so distracted by his thoughts that he cut off his own finger. "Holy shit Kook!!" Jin yelled as Jungkook sighed and reattached it. He was a demon king after all. "Sorry.. I'm distracted.." he mumbled. Jin knew that he seemed vulnerable and he smiled softly. The demon king was going through new emotions. The older demon put a hand on the Kings shoulder and asked what was wrong. "I.. I don't really know.. I just.. I think.." he started but blushed and became shy. "I.. I think.. I love Jimin..." he said. Jin chocked on the air in shock. "W-wait.. what..?" Before chuckling. "No.. that's impossible.. the demon king isn't able to feel love. Or.. hes.. not supposed to..." he said, still shocked and unsure how to react.

"No Jin.. I remember I had this feeling before I died.." he said.. softly smiling at his memories. "He reminds me so much of her.. I'm so protective of him.. I want to hold him.. I want to kiss him.. I wanna do so many things that I can't do because I'll scare him." He said firmly. "So I'll do nothing. Unless he is in grave danger.. we can't let him know we are demons. We just can't." He finished, going back to the food. Jin's eyebrows furrowed in worry. It was obvious that Jungkook was in love and wanted Jimin to love him back but he was dangerous and he knew that. All of Gehenna where humans at some point.. well except the other 5 who where made by a past demon king.

Well made wasn't the right word exactly. They where conceived. A demon king from long ago mated with 5 human women. First Jin's mother, then Yoongi's, then Hoseok's, then Namjoon's and finally Taehyung's mother. Taehyung was the last demon that king raised before he was killed. The 5 of them never really cared about their father as.. he didn't exactly treat them right. So they realized, they where meant to serve any demon king that reins. It was now their sworn duty. Still, half of their DNA is human. They are human in some way. They have human feelings. So jin does understand where Jungkooks feelings come from.

The thing is. If Jimin falls for him too it might be dangerous. They've never had a demon king who'd had a queen. The first demon king was the only one.. he was created by god from a human man. Who'd already had a wife. God was a strange man but he loved order. So that's why Gehenna was created in the first place. For order, balance. The demons jobs where to collect as many evil humans souls as they possibly could. Hah.. and they called Jungkook the bad guy. All those stories about heaven and hell where ridiculous and they always made Jin laugh. Some little red dude with horns huh..? Ridiculous.

Some people though where on the right track.. Jungkook was beautiful. Even on the inside. So enticing, just trying to do good in the world after he died regretting his life choices. He didn't mind his job. Sometimes even liked it. But Jin knew he would be the type to give everything up for the person he loved most. And that person would be Jimin, he was sure.

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