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Jungkook took in and out a deep breath, nodding to himself. He was ready. He sprung into the air and tackled one of the angel guards right to the floor, holding him by his neck and pressing his thumb to the man's forehead, extracting his soul. The angel writhed around and screamed in pain as his heavenly glow darkened and his wings slowly turned black. This was how fallen angels where created. Angels who acted out of turn had their souls taken to Gehenna and they would instantly turn demonic. "Now you follow my orders" Jungkook said with a smirk. The former angel frowned but nodded and stood to his feet, attacking his own team. Well prior team.

Since however, he wasn't paying attention, two guards jumped Jungkook from behind and he growled loudly. "J-Jin!!" He called out. Jin who's finally held the 5 guards that where attacking them to a wall with his water nodded to his master and softly began to sing. The guards looked up at him and everything around changed. It turned to look like a beautiful grassy field that was surrounded by a gorgeous river, sustained by a beautiful water fall. Jin's appearance morphed into that of a gorgeous mermaid and he smiled at them, holding out a womanly hand towards them as he continued to sing his song. The beauty entranced them and had them completely distracted so Jungkook used that to steal their souls as well.

He smiled at Jin who slyly winked back and continued his fight. He'd taken the souls of as many he could while one other demon always watched him closely to ensure he'd not be attacked. Jungkook only had one thought in his mind. The sight of Jimin crying, begging him to stay, afraid to loose him. He couldn't leave him, he just couldn't. He wasn't allowed to die there. He made it his mission to survive, not for himself but for his love. He'd turned 12 into his own fallen angel soldiers and they fought hard for their newly turned master. It was a hard battle and they where finally left with only 4 angels left. One happened to be a head guard and was extremely well trained. Taehyung yawned and threw a rock from outside at one of the angels, his head caving in from force and his light dying out. The smaller soldiers where easy to kill in low numbers. Jin with all his power collected all the water he could and drowned the second one in his demon water. Yoongi took out the last one, using all the shadows around him he blinded his victim and ripped out his voice box so he was unable to scream, letting him bleed out.

Finally they where left with only one angel. Head guard. He smirked a little "well well.. with all those new fallen angels at your side.. you've met your quota. Actually you met it halfway through the battle." Jungkook drowned deeply. The angels where careless, stupid creatures that allowed their men to die for entertainment but when it was their turn they always fled. "The lord will be pleased to hear about this. I'll be back in 6 months to collect your next quota." He said, flying out quickly. "Disgusting rats.." Jin cursed under his breath. "What a boring battle. I've seen so much better." Namjoon said with a roll of his eyes, pretending as if he wasn't burned in multiple places with at least 5 cuts.

Jungkook sighed and turned to his human form "were gonna have to clean this all up and- shit..! Jimin..!" He called. He allowed only his wings to appear and flew ahead with his men following him.


Jimin heard a loud pop and he looked around, feeling the cold outside air again and seeing the bubble had disappeared. He sat up fast and looked at the sky in hope and worry. He stared for a few minutes and silence but nothing was there. His face twisted with heartbreak, "no.. no no no.. Jungkook please.." he whispered to the sky. When nothing showed up he fell to the grass and bursted into tears. "I shouldn't have let you go.. why did you have to go and fight.. and leave me here without you..?" He whispered to himself, tears pouring down his cheeks. "Don't you know..? I love you... y-you can't go.. you can't leave.." he whispered, whimpering and sniffling.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and heard a voice speak "good thing I'm not leaving.." it called out. Jimin perked up and his eyes widened, "J-Jungkookie..!" He called and jumped into the arms of the one he loved. Jimin hugged him back softly, hiding in his lovers neck. "I'm here baby..  I told you I would be okay." He whispered. Jimin sniffled with a soft pitiful giggle. "Y-yeah." He said. "Taehyung is back at the bar cleaning everything.. well.. he's using his powers but that's not the point. Let's go home. I'll explain everything to you when we get there. But for now I want you to rest." He said softly, pulling Jimin into his arms, the 4 other demons smiling softly at their love and they all flew away together quickly.

When they arrived Taehyung had just fixed the last bent wall and smiled at his master, "all fixed!! It's all been put back to normal now." He said with a shrug. "Thank you." Jungkook said, smiling gently. Taehyung looked down to see Jimin holding his hand, kind of hiding from Taehyung. He frowned, he didn't want his new best friend to be afraid of him. He hated that thought. So he crouched down with a soft gentle smile, "hey little bird." He said in a gentle voice. Jimin peaked out more and smiled, running to his friend and hugging him tightly. "Alright Jimin.. would you please follow me to you room?" Jungkook asked in a soft voice. "Yeah I'm ready to go."

I'm really sorry for the late update! Mental health hasn't been the best. I hope this chapter makes up for it

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