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Everyone but Hoseok tended the club that night. Hoseok was suddenly in charge of Jimin, who'd received his own room that day. At first Hoseok didn't like the idea because he planned on sleeping with a few people tonight and instead he was stuck with the homeless baby. Until he realized.. he could just play with Jimin instead. Hoseok was an incubus. His demon name was Dizero. See, Hoseok was a sex demon and he was made to be utterly irresistible to everyone. If someone where to sleep with him as many had, they would become his slave and do anything for him. Of course he just tells them to give him their soul, to which they oblige.

He looked over at the small boy. Sat up, wrapped in blankets and focused on the T.V. He hadn't watched T.V. In so long that he couldn't help but he focused on it. Hoseok smirked a little as he focused on Jimin's plumped lips as they moved together and apart every so often. Finally.. his eyes shined a bright green as he decided the time was now. He sat next to Jimin and put his hand on his thigh through the bedsheets mumbling a "Jimin...~" into his ear. "Hm.. what is it Hyung..?" Jimin asked as he looked over at the demon, waiting for his response. Hoseok only chuckled and gently pushed Jimin's chest to lay him down, trapping him between his hands. "Mm.. you're so pretty puppy.. but you know that already don't you...?~" he purred out, moving his left arm to pull down the blanket covering Jimin's torso. "H-Hyung what are you doing..?" Jimin asked, a panic in his eyes. Hoseok was quite confused by this reaction but he knew it was only temporary. They always submitted to him eventually.

Finally the covers where gone and Hoseok stuck one of his knees between Jimin's thighs so he couldn't close them and leaned down towards his face. "Mm~ lets play pup..." he said in a soft yet agressive voice. "H-hyung.. I-I don't think that.. ahh-!" He yelled as Hoseok grabbed Jimin's collar and ripped the shirt off him by the buttons. The small boy tried to cover himself with his hands but the demon grabbed a hold of his wrists and pinned them next to his head. Hoseok tsk'd, scolding him. "No no puppy.. let me see your pretty body..." he said in a low tone. Jimin was afraid. He was so afraid. He still didn't really know Hoseok that well so he couldn't help being afraid. Finally, he cracked, tears pouring down his pudgy cheeks with a whimper. "P-please stop Hoseok.." he whispered.


Yoongi was told by Jungkook to watch over Jimin and Hoseok. At first he stayed out of the room and just listened. Hoseoks surrounding skills weren't very good and Yoongi was good at hiding his senses. He turned to his shadow form and creeped in through the crack in the door, hiding in the corner of the room. Just as tears poured down the cheeks of Jimin's scared face, Yoongi immediately reported to his master. Yoongi was known in Gehenna as Wraith. The shadow demon.. boogeyman.. pitch.. to be fair he had lots of names but his human name was used the most. He was good at hiding in the shadows.. creeping up without being suspected. As he appeared before Jungkook his master looked at him with a confused brow raise. Finally Yoongi leaned up and whispered in an almost silent tone about what he had seen and disappeared in smoke. "Shit!" Jungkook yelled. He knew it was a bad idea to leave him with Hoseok but he did it anyways. He growled to himself and immediately called for namjoon.

Of course he reported to Jungkook right away, bowing down to him. "Get Hoseok away from Jimin. I want you to watch the boy for the rest of the night, got it?" He asked. "Yes sir."
Namjoon rushed to the room and kicked open the door, simply grabbing Hoseok by the ear harshly and throwing him out as he whined to be let go. Namjoon looked at the whimpering boy in silence, no emotion on his face. Finally, Jimin got himself together, dressing himself back up and wiping his tears away. He looked up at Namjoon who just stared quietly before finally speaking, "are you alright... Small Fox?" He asked. Jimin nodded with an other sniffle. "Y-yes sir.." he replied. "It's about time you rest.. don't you think little Fox?" He asked. "Yes sir.." Jimin said, laying back into bed and snuggling into the covers. "As long as you're under the masters care. You will not be harmed." He said, leaving the room to keep watch on his door.


Jungkook was absolutely Livid. He appeared in front of Hoseok with deeply glowing eyes, standing over him and causing fear to stir in Hoseoks stomach. "Did I or did I not tell you to watch Jimin for his safety?" He asked, his booming low demon voice making itself heard. "You did.." Hoseok squeaked. "Did you or did you not ignore my request and prey on him yourself?" His master challenged, stepping forward. " I-I did.." he replied. Jungkook grabbed hold on his neck, "you know I could destroy you instantly in a second do you not?! How dare you disobey me when your existence was made to assist me?!" He growled. Hoseok didn't respond, he was too scared to speak a word. "I should behead you where you stand right now!!" He yelled, hoseoks skin beginning to crack where Jungkook squeezed so tight. Finally the demon King leaned to his ear and muttered out, "if you ever disobey me again.. I will fucking kill you." Before he dropped the other demon to the floor, gasping loudly and holding his neck. "Y-yes sir.. I understand sir.." he replied, rushing away so that he wouldn't be sticking around long enough for him to change his mind.

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