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As they made it to Jimin's room, Jungkook locked the door. "Did you see me? I was flying!!~" the boy giggled in happiness, twirling around the room. "Yes I saw." Jungkook said, still feeling mad at those guys looking like they wanted to eat him. "Did you like it?" Jimin asked. "No." Jungkook said sternly. "In fact I hated it." Immediately Jimin's face completely fell and tears pooled in his eyes. "Why..?" He asked. "Because.. I didn't like all those men looking at you the way only I can." He said like a low growl. "H-huh..?" Jimin whispered, very confused. Jungkook chuckled at the boy's innocence.

He walked towards the bed slowly with a hard stare, boring into Jimin's eyes. "Oh Kitten.. I don't think you understand." He said in a teasing voice as he laid Jimin down and crawled onto the bed himself, hovering over him. "You're only mine. Mine and mine alone.. understand Kitten..?~ nobody else can have you.. or look at you except me. You belong to me now." The demon king stated, causing Jimin to slightly gasp. He looked so cute to Jungkook. His wide puppy dog eyes, filled with unknown innocence, his cheeks dusted a dark pink and his plumped lips just asking to be locked with an other pair.

"I don't like the way those men looked at you while you danced.. looking like they wanted to destroy you. But listen little kitten.. you don't have to worry. I'll destroy them first." Jungkook didn't even know what was coming over him in this moment. A sudden extreme amount of possessive feelings where pouring from his soul and he couldn't contain them any longer. "J-Jungkook.." Jimin whimpered from under him. Jungkook looked into his eyes in shock as he saw the tears pooling in his soft eyes, his bottom lip trembling. "P-please.." he whispered, "you're scaring me..."

"I'm sorry kitty.." Jungkook said with a sigh, gently kissing his tear filled eyes. "I didn't mean to scare you.." he whispered gently, his tone much softer and his grip on Jimin loosening. "I.. need to get ready for bed.. s-so if you don't mind..." Jimin said with an awkward look on his face. "I understand kitten. I'll go.. I'll see you at breakfast in the morning.." he replied, placing a soft chaste kiss on Jimin's cheek before getting up and leaving the door, his piercing red eyes staring only at Jimin the whole way out before the door clicked shut. The small boy still didn't know or understand what just happened.. but he shrugged and got himself ready for bed.


"Fuck.. I'm an idiot." Jungkook said, rubbing his right temple as he downed an other glass of strawberry juice. Unfortunately, the "alcoholic" substance wasn't enough to tame his wild thoughts. Jin rolled his eyes. "Jungkook would you stop it?! You're gonna hurt yourself!!" He yelled in anger, only to have Jungkook look up at him with a look of anger and vengeance. "I.. I'm sorry master.." Jin said softly, becoming afraid. "I'm sorry, Jin I just... I feel like I messed up really bad. I don't want him to hate me.." he said, sighing and grabbing a whole strawberry and eating the whole fruit in one bite. "Sir, I advise you to stop. You're going to be very ill and very drunk if you continue." Namjoon said, trying to hide the worry for Jungkook as that's not what he was made for.

"Good.. I wanna forget all of this.." he said with a whine, laying his head in his arms feeling oh so defeated. The rest of the demons looked at each other and him before sighing. They couldn't do anything to say no to their masters so they had to leave him in peace, of course against their own will because of their care for him. Jungkook got very drunk that night. So drunk he didn't even know where he was. He wandered the house blankly, head spinning as he looked for his room. Instead he found Jimin's room. He stood at the side of his bed and watched the way Jimin looked peaceful and sweet while he slept. Jungkook couldn't hold it anymore, all he did was cry.

A pout on his lips, his eyebrows furrowed as tears poured heavily down his face. "I-I'm sorry.." he whispered. "I'm so sorry Jimin.. that I'm dangerous.. that I scare you.. I'm so sorry that I have to be a stupid demon." He cursed himself as he sniffled. He didn't know why he was so attached to Jimin but he was. There was something about him he recognized more than anything and it was strange. Jimin reminded him of the girl he fell in love with before he died. Every time he looked at Jimin's face he say her. Jihyun.. beautiful Jihyun. She was everything to him but.. he died before they could be married.

Jimin's eyes fluttered open to see something very surprising. Jungkook was standing at the side of his bed.. crying. Like really crying.. sobbing even. Just repeating that he's sorry over and over again. Jimin rubbed his eyes in confusion and looked up at Jungkook, just in shock that he was crying like that.. especially when a few hours ago he was trying to "get it in". He was kind of shocked but didn't like the sight of him crying. "J-Jungkook..?" He called out softly. Jungkook sniffled, wiping his tears away. "I.. didn't know you where awake.. I'm sorry I'll go.." he whispered, turning to leave but Jimin quickly grabbed his wrist.

"N-no.." Jimin said. "S-stay with me.. you're sad.. and.. you look kind of drunk.. stay.." he said pulling Jungkook into his bed, worried about his health. Jungkook later next to him with a soft baby-like pout. He was known for being cuddly and sweet when he was drunk. "Aww.." Jimin cooed and hugged Jungkook tightly, snuggling sweetly into his chest. "You're cute Jungkook.." he said softly. "Jimin.. d-do you hate me..?" Jungkook whispered with insecurity. "Of course not..! I like you just as much as before!" Jimin promised. Jungkook blushed deeply, sobering up right away at those words. That's the moment he knew, he'd fallen in love with Jimin.

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