chapter 3

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Thank you guys for all of the feedback! Feel free to suggest something. Sorry it's been so long...I've been busy with school and stuff. Well heres chapter 3!

You didn't know what to think. You just blushed and ignored Foxy's unnecessary comment.

"Oh...I'm very sorry...I'll just leave," Bonnie said sounding disappointed. He stood up and ran away. You could hear his parts squeaking as he ran. You frowned and stood up. Foxy chuckled behind you.

"That was cute..." Chica said standing up also. You turned around and smiled.

"Yeah, he must like me or something. I thought robots didn't have feelings," You said keeping in other questions you had.

"Well we're not like other robots," Chica said putting her hands on her hips. If she had hips...

You turned around and looked around for Bonnie. He was nowhere in sight.

"I'm going to go look for Bonnie," you say looking back and waving. You walk down the hallway and hear noises coming from the bathroom. You turn and walk into the boys bathroom. You felt a little awkward but you didn't care.

You looked down the hall of stalls and urinals and saw Bonnie sitting at the end. You took a step then heard "Go away." come from the animatronic. You walked toward Bonnie anyways. He looked up and saw you and seemed to smile. You smiled back. Despite him being sitting down, he was almost as tall as you were.

"It's okay Bonnie, you're sweet but you're not human. I like you but not in the same way." You said calmly. You reach your arms around Bonnie and hug him. He hugged back, his joints still squeaking.

After the hug ended he stood up and you both walked back. You checked the time. 5:55.

"I better get back home guys," you say. You say your goodbyes and sneak home and back into your room.

For a while, you thought about Bonnie. He was really cool and sweet but you couldn't fall in love with a robot...could you?

You decided you would think about it tomorrow and drifted to sleep

animatronic love (Bonnie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now