Who am I⁉️

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🚨 ❌⚠️ ‼️WARNING‼️⚠️ ❌🚨
The following content maybe DISTURBING for some people. If you are not good with HORROR then don't read! Read at your own RISK!

Hi there....You might have often felt like as if someone is watching you or standing behind you. Most often you feel like someone calling out to you. You turn around to find no one there. You think it's all in your head. But is it really? You never know who's watching you.

I have always believed in such supernatural beings. I am not a firm believer but I don't deny their existence either. My best friend, Ebony, used to not believe in such things. She used to say it's all in a person's head and there are no such things whatsoever. She said this on the fact she herself had never seen a ghost or a spirit before that incident. She used to say that once a person has died, their soul and spirit leaves this world forever. But does it really? You never know.

I believe there are ghosts and spirits lurking all around us. Although until that incident I had never seen one before but that doesn't mean they are not there. All of our beliefs changed about seven years ago when we went to college and rented an apartment in a building, not too far from college. We both shared the apartment. It wasn't a dark looking place like how they show you in horror movies. And I assure you the lights worked perfectly fine and we didn't turn all of them off to make the place look spooky.
What I am about to tell you are the events that occurred that made me and now, Ebony a firm believer.

It was a November 2nd, a Tuesday morning when Ebony and I shifted to our new apartment. The building was old but it was renovated and was up to date. I was told the building actually dated back to 1799. But since the rent was manageable and the place was close to college we knew this was the perfect place for us. It was a studio apartment and I placed my bed near the window. The view was that of the empty and somewhat tranquil fields. While Ebony's bed was opposite to mine. There were no buildings whatsoever in the opposite direction of our building except for a thick forest at one side and empty fields on the other. There weren't even that much buildings or houses at this street because even though we were a part of town, our apartment was a bit away from the town.

As for the other people who lived in the building, there weren't much. There was the middle-aged landlady who lived downstairs in her own apartment. Across to which lived an elderly couple who were really sweet. We did meet and had a cup of tea with them. They were really nice. And there was this guy who lived a floor below us. We had not met him yet. This building had three stories. We were on the third floor. Across from our apartment lived a mother with two kids. From their looks, I guessed the kids were around 7-10 years of age. One boy and a girl. They were also a sweet family. And that's about it. We about to start a new journey but little did we know that this journey wasn't going to stay long.

Even though Ebony wanted to stay up late, in the end we both still managed to sleep early because tomorrow we had to get up early for college.

That night around 3 am, I got thirsty. I woke up, turned on the lights to get myself a glass of water. While drinking I looked across at Ebony who was deep in sleep. I was deep in thoughts about this new project I have to do when suddenly Ebony's eyes shot open and she sat up. This startled me so I called out to her.

"Ebony...you okay?"

"Yeah...I'm fine..."

She started taking deep breaths as she replied. From the tone of her voice, I could tell she was shaking terribly with fear. I could see her hands shivering as they reached for the water bottle on the side table next to her bed.

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