Who are you⁉️

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I woke up suddenly as I gasped for air. Ebony and Seth were on either side of me. Ebony was holding a glass of water. I was shaking terribly as I looked around to find my apartment to be normal and there was no weird thing.

"Raven you okay?!"

Ebony asked as she handed me the glass and I quickly took it from her hand and drank it all in one huge sip because my throat was dry as hell

"What happened? Seth? What are you doing here?"

I asked as I had finished drinking the glass and I motioned Ebony to pour me some more

"You were having a nightmare."

She replied as she takes the glass from my hand and starts pouring water

"Or so we think. I heard your scream. And according to Ebony, you suddenly sat up on bed, screamed and then fainted."

Seth replied as Ebony hands me the glass back

"Yeah. You okay? That was a horrifying scream! I was so scared to death!"

Ebony said as I quickly drank water

"No. I am not okay! I heard those bells ringing....you know the ones that are on those anklets and I heard loud footsteps and this girl approached me with black hair and....I couldn't really see her face but....umm....she had this like old lantern type thingy..."

I explained as Ebony groaned

"See! A nightmare!"

She said as I shook my head

"No! It wasn't a nightmare! I swear! It was real!"

I said as she took the glass back from me and scoffed

"Ever since we came here, you have been weird. There is no one here! There are no ghosts or whatever. If there are then let's call them. Oh hello, miss ghost, the one who's scaring my friend! Would you please be kind enough to show yourself?!"

She said as there was silence

"See? No one! There's nothing. Stop being delusional!

I knew it was hopeless so I looked at Seth

"You believe me right?"


He was about to reply when Ebony looked at him and said

"Seriously? You believe her?! Gosh you two delusional are perfect for each other. Give each other company while I am out of here!"

Ebony said as she grabbed her jacked and wore her shoes

"Where are you going at this time of the night?"

I asked as she pointed at the clock hanging on the wall

"Look at the time, Miss Delusional. It's morning and I'm going to uni. I've got morning classes. See you later!"

She said as she went out of the apartment

"Umm...I should go as well.."

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