Who touched me⁉️

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I was in my bedroom sleeping. The night lamp was still on but it wasn't enough to brighten the room. I changed my place many times before I finally gave up and sat up on my bed. For some reason I couldn't seem to sleep. I drank a glass of water. After putting the glass back, I felt something trickling on my arm. It felt as if there was something walking on my arm.

I screamed as I start moving my hand frantically not even bothering to look at what it was. Suddenly the feeling stopped and I looked at my arm to see nothing was there. Instead I found a cockroach lying on the floor.

Ew! Damn cockroach! I grabbed one of my slipper that was near the bed and killed the cockroach using it. I then go to the washroom to wash my hands. While leaving the washroom and drying my hands using my towel, I again see a cockroach on the floor.

Urgh! Just where the hell are they coming from!
I thought about killing it but it disappears before I could do anything. I then suddenly feel sleepy so I decide to just get back into the bed.
As I lay on the bed waiting for myself to fall asleep,  again I feel something trickling on my arm. I try to move my arm or my neck to look at it. But I can't seem to move! I grunted as I desperately try to move but I can't. It's like there's a force weighing me down. I then look at hundreds of cockroaches whom all have climbed my bed and are now climbing on top of me! I scream and yell as hard as I can! But it's like I'm unable to speak! I can't even open my mouth! What the hell is going on!
Get off of me! I thought as the cockroaches kept approaching my mouth...no....no...get away.....someone help....no!

I shot my eyes open as I find myself in my history class. I look around to see if there are any cockroaches but there aren't. Instead I look at my terribly trembling sweaty hands. I felt so cold yet my whole body was sweating.

"Hey are you okay?"

The boy next to me asked


I reply as I notice my throat being dry. The good thing is that at least I am able to speak.

"You don't look okay to me. You are shivering and your voice is shaky...you are also taking deep breathes...you look like someone scared the crap out of you.."

He said as I without even looking at him start to pack my bag.

"I'm fine."

I said to him as I then tell the teacher I need to go to the washroom.

When I get to the washroom, I splash my face with water a couple of times before I'm able to calm myself a bit.

Just what was that about! It felt so real!

Next Scene

"I'm telling you! It was real! I felt everything"

I protested as Ebony refused to believe me. She says it's just a dream so I should just let it go.

"Will you drop it already? It was just a dream. Why are you making it a big deal."

She said as we head to our apartment

"I'm not!"

I said as I open the apartment door and then turn on the lights. Ebony glares at me.

"Okay maybe I am. But it's only because it felt so real! You know I couldn't even breathe.."

I said as she nodded, shrugged. Great. She doesn't believe me. But I know what I felt and I know what I saw in the morning!

Ebony goes to the washroom to freshen up. While I sit on my bed as I put my bag next to me. Today we studied so much! And they gave us a lot of assignments to do. Luckily my presentation went good. I thought as suddenly I felt someone grab my leg.

 I screamed reflexively as I pulled my leg up

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I screamed reflexively as I pulled my leg up. I looked around to see that the apartment is empty. No one is there. Ebony was in the washroom. I slowly got up from the bed as I then started bending down slowly by slowly to see under the bed. It was dark under there so I turned on my phone's light as I flashed it over there while looking to see if someone was there. Luckily there was no one there. Whew! My heart was beating so fast and I was sweating as the adrenaline kicked in. There were nothing under the bed except a few boxes. I moved the boxes here and there to make sure there was nothing over there. My legs that were shaking had now calmed down after I rechecked under the bed. As soon as I got up and turned off my phone's light, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I quickly jerked as I turned around to find no one there. I took one look around the whole apartment but I find no one there.

But I could feel someone there. So I said, "Who's there?"

But there was no reply. I knew it. I'm just being paranoid there's no one there. I calm myself down before someone again taps my shoulder and I turn around to find Ebony there.

"Aaaaah!" I screamed as Ebony smacks my arm

"Don't scream!" She said

"You scared me!" I said as I tried to calm myself. I was breathing hard as my heart was beating fast.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked as she sat on her bed

"No one.....I just felt someone was here." I replied knowing Ebony won't believe me.

"Yeah yeah." She replied as she sounded uninterested

That day after working on our assignments and ordering pizza and watching a movie, we both were so tired that we slept without knowing when.

I was deep in sleep when I felt someone tugging my shoulder. It annoyed me so I shrugged my shoulder trying to motion whoever it was to stop it. I was so sleepy that I didn't even want to open my eyes.
After a few seconds, I again felt someone constantly tapping on my shoulder. Arghhh stop it! I changed my position as the tapping stopped. But then again after a few second I felt someone poking on my shoulder. Using my hand I move the hand away of whoever it was that was tapping my shoulder.
The poking still doesn't stop.

I open one of my eyes slightly to see a hand. A slim hand with long slender fingers and long nails tapping my shoulder. I thought it was a dream so I just pushed the hand away. And again closed my eyes and slept.

After a while the poking again started.....this time I opened my eyes and turned to look at whoever it was tapping.

"Stop it....AAAHHHH!"

I screamed as I see a girl about our age. Her face was creepy as she kept staring at me with her weird eyes. Her lips were sewn together.

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