Who will help⁉️

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Hi! My name is Ebony. I live in this wonderful apartment along with my childhood friend Raven. To be honest, I love Raven a lot. I love her a lot but lately she's been acting weird. Just like now.

"I swear I'm not lying!"

Raven said as we were walking back from our class along with Seth who had apparently become our friend in just a few days.

"Ebony, I know you think I'm lying but I am serious. You believe me right, Seth?"

Raven said as she looked at Seth and he shrugged. Great. This idiot agrees with her. They both seem to think that the building we live in is haunted. I don't believe it. If it is haunted then I would've seen some scary ass ghost moving around here and there.

As I got home that night, I decided to watch a movie while Raven and Seth went to hangout. I'm pretty sure that dude likes her but I think as dumb as Raven is, it'll take her a lot of time to realise that.

After watching the movie, I looked at the time and realised I was late. I had to go meet up with my friends at the club tonight. Oh shit! I quickly got up and checked my phone to see messages from them in the group chat.

"Hey sorry! We can't go clubbing tonight! I've got a fever."

"For real? Get better soon."

"Get well soon. To be honest  I was hoping we didn't go today, I've got assignments to do."

"Oh same."

"Did sir gave us a week to do that or just one day?"

"One day. Were you sleeping during class?"

"No. I bunked it."

"We will go next time then. Along with Raven. It'll be a girls night out!"

I chuckle as I read their messages.

"Sure. Get well soon. I guess we will see each other tomorrow then."

I press send as I put my phone next to my bed. Now what? I think as I look at the books on my table. Should I just study? I don't feel like it. Maybe I'll just sleep. But it's too early to go to sleep. When will Raven be back? It's not fair. She's out there having fun with a guy and here I am with no plans. Well I could just study....but forget it. I'm going to sleep. Sleep above everything else.

I quickly get into my bed and as soon as I put my head down on my pillow, I fall asleep.

My eyes shot open suddenly as I hear the apartments door open and shut. I see Raven come inside as she takes off her shoes and then her earrings.

"Ebony....you asleep?"

She calls out to me without even looking here

"Guess you fell asleep."

She said as she takes off her watch and places it besides her bed and then goes into the washroom

Just what is going on here? I try to move my arm as it doesn't move. I then try to move my whole body but it just won't move. What is going on here? I grunt as I try to move my face but I can't even do that. What the hell! Just what is going one...why can't I move...the more I try to more the more it gets difficult to breath...and that's when I see Raven come out from the bathroom from the corner of my eye...RAVEN! I shout as hard as I can but she doesn't even look here. Huh? Why? I just spoke now right? Then why didn't she hear me? Why didn't my voice come out?
I again yell RAVEN HELP! And again she doesn't respond. Instead she goes to her bed and starts using her phone.





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