Who followed me⁉️

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Today we had off from university and I decided to stay home even though Ebony was going to some party and she invited me but I didn't feel like leaving my apartment. I had a really weird dream last night with that scary women which I think was a dream because Ebony didn't see anything nor she heard me scream.

I decided to look at the building so I was roaming here and there when I discovered that the women and her children had moved out of the apartment yesterday. Weird. They didn't even throw a going away party. Well it's not like I knew them that much.

I was in the floor below us and was checking it out because I was bored. I could go to the town and do some shopping or have some 'me' time but I wasn't feeling like it. One of these days I really need to start a part-time job again. I looked around as I saw the tranquil hallway. I had never noticed this before but hallways are pretty creepy. I felt as if someone was standing behind me. Many times I glanced back but I could see no one there. I started walking faster because even though there was no one, I felt someone was staring at me and following me. I walked quickly as my breathing again got quick. My heart was beating rapidly and I was so close to screaming. Since when did I become so paranoid? There's no one behind me. There's no one there. I kept repeating this to myself when I turned around the corner and I bumped into someone.

"Uff..." I said as I looked up and saw the same guy from my class who sits next to me

"Oh it's you." I said

"Glad you know I exist." The guy replied

"Of course I know who you are. You are.....raayyyy...." I said as the guy shook his head

"Okay then eeddddmuu...." I said as he again shook his head

"Okay fine. I give in. I don't know your name. But you go to the same uni as me and we have a few classes together."

I said as he chuckled and smiled

"My name is Seth. And we have all our classes together."

He said as he held his hand out and I shook it

"Right....so your name doesn't start with neither R nor E. And how come I haven't talked to you before?"

I said as I started thinking if Seth was in my every class and he sure was.

"Who knows."

He replied as I realised I haven't introduced myself to him

"Oh I am..."

"Raven. Yeah I know."

He replied as he started unlocking the apartment door

"Oh so you live here."

I said. So he's that mysterious guy who lives here.

He opened his apartment door as he then looks at me.

"Wanna come inside?....I mean if you want to. For coffee." He said

"Oh I wouldn't want to bother you..." I said

"It is not a bother. Besides it's coffee plus it'll be a welcome coffee for you.....For moving into this building." He said

"Well if you say so....Thanks."

I said as I went inside. His apartment was so clean, even cleaner than ours. There was a sofa and a tv screen in front. The whole apartment was of the same design as ours except that this one had only one bedroom so it's kitchen and lounge were bigger.

"Nice place." I said

"Thanks. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back with coffee." He said as I smiled. He went to the kitchen.

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