Who's there⁉️(Last Chapter)

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"Ebony!" I screamed as I caught up to her

"What's wrong? What was that scream??" She asked as I explained to her what I saw

"Are you serious?!" She asked as my eyes went wide with horror
I saw shadows moving here and there behind her

"Don't....move....there are somethings behind you..." I said as I stood there terrified
Ebony's face went pale as she shivered with horror

"Run!" I said as we both started running outside but the door won't open.

"Urgh! It won't budge!" I grunted as I tried to pull the door open but it won't move even a single bit. I turned around and grabbed Ebony's hand. I think it's better if we went out the window. We can smash it using something.

"Come on.." I said as I then realised that the hand I was holding was not Ebony's. It had a scaly skin and long nails. Veins were popping out of it as I looked at the hand with horror and then I screamed and let go of the hand. What the fuck?!
I look up to see a girl with sewn lips smiling at me as she stared at me.


I heard her grin as she then started chuckling which sounded creepy

I screamed as I ran away from there. I didn't know where Ebony was, but I remember that my phone was upstairs in my apartment. So I ran. I ran as fast as I can to the stairs, not once looking back. But somehow I felt somethings. I felt like there were pair of eyes staring at me. I had this sudden urge to look back and so I did. I glanced back and saw these black coloured creatures with these huge holes in the centre. They had long arms with long thin sharp bony fingers with really long nails. Their mouths were sewn as they had long black hair that was even covering their eyes. Their feet were in the opposite direction but they were still managing to run after me.

One of them which was ahead tried to catch me but I turned upstairs. While running up the stairs, the windows all around me were closing and opening. The paintings as I ran past them were falling down, lights were flickering as I was out of breath. I still didn't know where was Ebony.

As I got to my floor I looked down at the stairs to see if they were still following me, and sure enough they come running upstairs. I started running through the hallway as I saw those things coming from the front and running towards me. And that's when I turned right and opened my apartment door. I was about to close it when a hand stops it. I still forcibly push the door as I then lock it. I then grab my phone and see there are no cell phone services nor internet services. Why? Damnit! I was literally scared as shit as I looked at the door which was so close to being broken. I looked out the window hoping that I could find a way out. I still had to look for Ebony. But when I looked outside, I couldn't believe my eyes. My eyes went wide in horror. There were these bodies just floating there in the sky.

And on the ground, there were these white figures just standing there doing nothing

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And on the ground, there were these white figures just standing there doing nothing. My eyes were all watery as I could hear my heart beat fast with every smashing pound on the door.

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