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She yanked her by her hair, and shoved Blossom into the nearby locker.
Blossom braced herself for the worst as she was hurled into the locker. A crowd of giggles pursued.

'Beserk, fucking stop! You're hurting her!' Bubbles yelled out, but was covered and held away by Beserk's mob.
Beserk turned around, looking straight through Bubbles. 'Y'know, its be easier for her if you'd just, um like shush.' She whispered into her ear.
If only Buttercup was here, she'd kick Beserk's ass. But again, if only. Buttercup and Butch had 'eloped' to another school for their physical abilities, and she had been given a sport scholarship, who would turn that down?
'I-o-okay.' Bubbles was quietened down. Now back to the main game. Blossom.
Once Buttercup left her sister's sides, it was like Beserk had spotted new prey, first it was Jennifer from the cheerleading team, then Liza from chess club, she hadn't missed Rosie from fencing, and last but not least even the Korean exchange student Jisoo! Beserk was always like this, but she never had a reason to.
Ever since kindergarten, Beserk started to accumulate her little mob of fan girls.
'This will really teach you! For trying to get with my fucking man!' Beserk screamed at Blossom.
Ah yes, the reason. A stupid crush Blossom had on Beserk's ex. Come on! Move on! It was 11 years ago! You weren't even dating!
Blossom winced, unmoving from the position she was left in.
Beserk inched closer and closer. Closer and closer. Closer and...

'He's back!' A voice yelled from her fan girls. Beserk's eyes beamed with lust as she heard the words, 'I'll finish you, sooner or later.'
She spun around and went to 'greet' her boyfriend. It was one guy to another per month, it was just Brick didn't see it through yet.
At the speed of light, Beserk was clung onto her boyfriend, Brick, the hottest guy in school, as if Blossom didn't know from Beserk's loud bragging during lunch in the cafeteria. Beserk made it loud and clear that HE was her's, as if anyone wanted to mess with Beserk, since that would obviously be the second to last day you'd live, and the last being the day she decides how you should be dealt with. Maybe a nasty rumour on her Unstagram? Or a rumour about how you got it on with Chad the douchebag? Maybe the worst rumour win.
Either way, standing in Beserk's way is not recommended.
Beserk was next to Brick 24/7, 365.25 days of the year. A bit stalker-ish of a girlfriend but he didn't seem to mind. Beserk as Brick's arm candy? No, more like the other way around. Brick seemed to take the relationship more serious than Beserk actually did, and that sort of made Blossom laugh a little, settling for this bitch? What guy would even, being with her just made you lose brain cells per second.
'Get out you bitch.' one of Beserk's girls said to Blossom, the crowd started to disappear.
Bubbles instantly ran over to Blossom, inspecting her skin, her clothes, just everything.
'Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I should have came earlier! Then they wouldn't have- Beserk would- That bitch wouldn't have got to you.' Bubbles scrambled through her bag for band-aids, but Blossom put a hand out to stop her. 'Bubs stop, I'm fine see?'
Blossom stood up, with the help of Bubbles. 'You sure?' Bubbles asked.
'Yes, I'm not a baby, thank you though.'
Blossom managed a small smile.
The girls heard footsteps pacing quickly down the corridor, and it was quite obvious who it was too.
'Boomer.' Both the girls said in unison.
They chuckled, Boomer appeared amidst the huge procession of Beserk and Brick.
'I got here as soon as I could.' He was huffing and puffing, he was probably on the other side of the school, maybe doing art?
'You girls alright?' Boomer looked at both girls, especially at Bubbles, who he was dating.
'Yeah.' Blossom said.
'What do you mean "yeah", the bitch freaking threw you into a locker!' Bubbles stared her older sister up and down.
She just didn't get it, why was Beserk so petty? Why did she always target her sister? Bubbles would do anything for her older sister, maybe even take a bullet for her, as if that would affect her anyway but Beserk only averted all her attention onto Blossom's every move!
It was weird, and creepy, Beserk knew the strangest things about Blossom! It was like her obsession! To watch Blossom's every move until she finds the right time to pounce, maybe get rid of her for her own good.
Bubbles shuddered at the thought of her sister being away from her. Buttercup left already, not another one...
'...why wouldn't I be fine? I have you guys, my dearest sister, and a good friend of mine, what's more to have now?'
Sarcasm, it's a funny thing. It was a wonder how Boomer seemed to believe everything her sister had to say about the bitch. For real, Blossom just shook it off as if it was a daily routine.
Bubbles repeated herself every single time to Blossom:
'She's just insecure. Look at you go.'
'Blossy you're so beautiful. Don't let her bring you down.'
Blossom denied it so much, she was just too humble for god's sake, even Bubbles didn't know anymore.
'...our lesson?' Boomer's voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Let's go to our lesson.' Boomer said again.
Bubbles took one last look at her sister, Bubbles feared for her, she was so weak and fragile, how would she stand up in front of Beserk?
That bitch had probably gone haywire, staring at her man? Puh-lease, he's her's to keep, as if she was going to ever win him over? Blossom this, Blossom that, oh for the love of god would that hollow-headed Blondie just shut the hell up. She was. just annoying as that black haired one. What was her name? Bella? That one always bragged about stupid sports, well technically none of them bragged. Beserk was just a tad bit jealous of all the positive mentions the trio had ever gotten from the teachers over the years. Now that Bethany, or whatever her name is, one has left, just two more to get rid of and Bricky will be all her's.
He was just so bad, a Rowdy and a Punk? Oh an absolute fantasy! What would Brick ever see in that nerd that Beserk didn't have.
Just, ew.

So that was 3rd person POV, then Bubbles' and a little snippet of what Beserk thinks. I know this whole chapter is a bit messy but I thought maybe we would focus on their feelings for this chapter. In this story I won't label the POVs so you guys can figure it out when I mention the names. :)
If this chapter gets 5 votes I'll get on with the story haha!
See you guys next time!

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