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Blossom opened her bag to get her homework out, it was the only that could take her mind off the extremely awkward thing that happened earlier in the day...
Too close.
So close.
Oh my fucking god Blossom!
Blossom could have been screaming her head off if Bubbles didn't live in the same house with her, or if 1 special someone didn't live on the other side of Townsville!
And they'd both hear! One because she has ears! And the other? Because he has powers too!
Blossom jumped onto her bed, totally (not) ignoring the pile of homework she previously dumped onto her studying table.
This was ridiculous.
Blossom stuffed her pillow over her face, and all but muffled screaming was heard.
'Damn home girl is going through some stuff up there.' Bubbles spoke to herself while washing the dishes, she giggled at the sound. Who knew one boy could drive Blossom Utonium crazy? THE Blossom Utonium?
The next day, Blossom tried to discreetly (not) brush off all conversations about Brick coming from Bubbles and Boomer at the dining table at lunch
'GUYS! Stooooppp!' Blossom slammed her hands on her ears, trying to not hear the stupid theories Bubbles was making up.
'Oh my god! Did you guys kissy wissy?' Bubbles shouted across.
'SHUT UPPP!' Blossom yelled, shutting her eyes now.
Then all the shouting at lunch stopped, because some had decided now would be the best time to tap Blossom on the shoulder.
Bubbles was gaping and Boomer was trying to snap her out of it. Blossom only opened her eyes after the absence of yelling and screeching.
She looked backwards. No one? Then to her far right. Brick walking down the corridor, waving to her.
Cue cheesy smile in 3...2...1.
'Did he just ignore his own brother but wave to you?' Boomer laughed.
'I'm sure he waved to all of us.' Blossom replied.
'No! He tapped you! Not all of us! Oh my goooooooodddddd!' Bubbles whispered (also not so) subtly.
'I ship.' Boomer said a matter-of-factly. Bubbles could only manage to let out a small snigger from the fun she was having teasing her older sister.
'You guys...' Blossom pouted unknowingly.
The couple laughed even more as Blossom flushes red.
Blossom got up readily from the table with an unpleasant look in her face.
She scrunched her nose unhappily and walked as steadily as she could to class.
Blossom readjusted her bag as it hung onto her shoulder. She was walking alone. What if she saw Beserk? Who would protect her? Defend her?
Blossom wasn't brave or physically strong enough to help herself against Beserk's crowd or mob or whatever the people were.
She looked around wearily and cautiously. And at last wandered into the open space garden next to the academic block.
Blossom found a nice little spot and sat right down, taking out her food and munching on it delightfully.
Just as she took another bite of her sandwich, she caught sight of someone sitting down next to her.
She looked over.
'What are you doing being a loner?' He said jokingly at her. Blossom quickly dismissed Brick's bad joke with a small grimace.
'You're face is weirdly red...' He muttered to her.
'Brick, what are you doing here?' Blossom put down her sandwich onto her lap and looked into his eyes seriously.
His eyes.
Like she could drown herself in a pool of roses just by staring into his eyes.
She was snapped out of it instantly as he spoke.
'Don't know. You know I never stuck to a specific group.'
'You do, I've seen. The sporty guys. Don't try and relate to me if you can't.' Blossom gave a sorry-smile and picked up her sandwich, thinking that put their conversation to an end.
Blossom rethought of her reply. Maybe she was overthinking it. And also, did she expose herself? Expose herself as a stalker? Or even worse? A...a weirdo?????
This was it.
Blossom shuddered at the thought.
'Are you cold? Here have my spare jacket.' Brick bent over and got a hoodie out of his bag, and leaned over to Blossom's side to lend it to her. 'I don't even know how you're cold... it's quite warm don't you think?' He continues to say.
It would be rude to decline his kind thought... but Blossom wasn't cold either...
'I honestly don't mind! Just take the hoodie. You can even give it to me tomorrow if you're still cold after school.' Brick smiled warmly at her.
Even looking at him gave Blossom a feeling of warmth.
Blossom took the hoodie and mumbled a quick thank you before putting it on.
A whole wave of his smell overcame her.
It was warm. Like a fireplace.
'No problem Bloss. Just ask me if you need anything. Take it as a favour for us rekindling our friendship.' He said.
At this rate Blossom would've taken anything at all. Anything that related to him talking to her, or even spending time together.

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