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'I should have said that better. To be honest.' Brick whispered into Blossom's ear in the corridor.
Much to Blossom's 'dismay', Brick didn't scold her or tell her off for watching it. Instead, he was watching in really deep depth.
Damn when did his red eyes get so attractive to Blossom.
Blossom was lost in her world, until Brick finished watching.
Brick looked at Blossom for a few seconds, thinking of what to say.
Then he got it.
Something that was right for the moment and made him seem totally cool.
Blossom almost shuddered at Brick's name for her.
He hadn't called her that in years, and that took he back to when they were really good friends.
And I mean, really really good friends.
Blossom looked over at Brick. Which signaled that he had her full attention.
'Do you wanna go outside?' Brick was gonna take the advantage that Miss Wembley was snoozing through work.
'Outside? But if we get caught...'
'Trust me, not even a fly would want to be here after school.'
Blossom placed her bag on shoulder and was dragged through the door right after by an overexcited Brick.
Brick looked over him to see a gorgeous girl with flowing auburn hair.
Was that what he was missing out on?
This whole time...
Blossom quickly shushed him as she followed him as quietly as she could.

The two ended up in the hallway, right in the middle of it too. Blossom had never done this before, something so rebellious... Detention? It was only her first time, but this? Running OUT of detention? Oh this was definitely new to her.
Brick shot her a quick look that seemed to say 'Are you ready?', Blossom responded with the sweetest and cheesiest smile Brick had ever seen and so he pulled her along.
Blossom tripped a little bit before gaining her footing again and chasing up to him.
They ended up on the terrace, it was so beautiful. Since it was quite late in the afternoon as well, the sun was starting to set. The scenery was amazing, there was a clear gradient of purple going down to red and down to yellow where the sun was setting beyond a hill.
Gasping at the view, Blossom stared out into the sky, leaning forwards on the cement half wall to feel closer to it.
Brick looked at Blossom's reaction, her surprise turning into wonder as she looked around the school, the hills, the whole of Townsville.
It was beautiful. She was beautiful.
'It's so nice up here!' She said quietly to him.
'Why are you talking so quietly? It's not like anyone will hear us!' Brick said back to her in his normal voice.
Blossom chuckled, 'It's just, it seems so weird talking to you without... umm...'
Blossom nodded silently, this just made the situation more awkward than it (sort of) was.
'Well, you won't have to worry anymore about her.'
Blossom nodded again.
'Yeah... Actually, you're so much more quieter than when we first came into this school. I didn't even realise.' Brick said to Blossom, who looked down at the ground.
She didn't want to have this conversation now.
Not now.
Not ever.
She shut him right off.
For obvious reasons.
Blossom couldn't look up, face him like this. Let alone talk about this. With him.
Oh great.
'We just got busy you know?'
Blossom tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, trying to get herself to do something to distract herself. She took a big gulp, as if that could swallow down her feelings.
'Was it... Bese-my ex?'
'Sure, you could say that.' Blossom pushed herself backwards from the cold cement.
Brick stepped back, unsure of what she was doing.
'Then, what other reason?'
He was going to get an answer out of her even if she liked it or not.
'I can't-don't want to talk about it. Just leave it.' Blossom said it so quickly that Brick could barely hear a word she had raced through. Blossom shuffled through her bag anxiously and fished out her phone.
Thank god, time to go.
'Gotta go! Umm... bye!' Blossom waved and ran off heading home.
Leaving Brick by himself, uncertain of what he did wrong.
Blossom couldn't hold her turning complexion, she bet Bubbles would laugh at her pink complexion.
Blossom couldn't hold her words.
She couldn't hold the conversation she wanted to have with Brick.
About feelings.
And it wasn't going to help when she couldn't even look him in the eye.

Blossom sprinted home, she swore she felt her powers kick in a little bit.
And she wasn't even trying to use them.
He was just so...
Blossom felt herself tugging her hair at the front steps of her house that she shared with Bubbles.
Why did talking to him twist her stomach up like this?
Talking to (ex-) best friends was never like this?
Every time she snuck a  little peek at Bricm in the corridor with Beserk he seemed to be looking particularly...
How could she say it without sounding like a pervert?
This wasn't what she thought, and Blossom knew it. The words she thought of? You wouldn't even want to know...
Blossom fished out her bundle of keys and opened the door at ease, giggling nervously about how to explain her 'special' complexion to Bubbles.
Just as Blossom guessed, Bubbles suddenly appeared in the open kitchen next to the living room. 'So?' Bubbles eyed Blossom suspiciously.
This was what Blossom hated about Bubbles, she always seemed to be able to smell something fishy going on. And when worst came to worst, Bubbles could even make you spit out all the gossip. ONLY APPLICABLE TO SISTERS.
Which sucked, big time.
Blossom backed away from Bubbles, trying to avoid the conversation. Blossom even tried to smile, hesitantly, but even that wouldn't work.
Bubbles quickened her pace as she walked over to Blossom. Oh, this was gonna be good.
Before Bubbles could say the next sentence, Blossom ran away. Now who was going to tell her all the tea??
Bubbles sighed as she heard loud running footsteps upstairs.
Freaking stubborn big sisters!
Bubbles' eyes lit up as she thought of an amazing idea.
He would have all the answers. And Bubbles didn't think he'd mind that much when it came to sharing them.
🐙: Bubs 🥰🥺
💙: b o o m i e
↻ Their contacts on each other's phones)

🐙: boomie?
💙: Yes bubs?
🐙: so, i'm expecting some news, you see
🐙: about... my sister and...
💙: On it.
🐙: awie thanks boomie
🐙: tell me when you have the 🍵
🐙: but be fast ok?
🐙: you know i get impatient :3
💙: Back.
💙: Ok, so apparently Blossom kept looking away? And when Brick mentioned stuff about when they were younger, Bloss kinda avoided it?
🐙: avoided it?
💙: That's all Brick said, the guy just left me hanging 🙄.
🐙: oh
🐙: that's quite disappointing \(;'□`)/
💙: I'm sorry bubsy, that's all I could get outta him.
💙: You know how he is...
🐙: yeah it's fine ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
💙: Will update you after dinner 😊
🐙: looking forward boomie ( ˘ ³˘)❤
Bubbles sat down on the sofa unsatisfied. She wanted more, more details, more gossip, this was just so boring!
If Buttercup was here she could probably at least squeeze something, at least something! Out of Blossom.
But now? Blossom was as boring as a piece of wood. Actually no, even more dead than a plank of...
whole tree of wood.
Bubbles kept looking at her phone every few seconds to see when Boomer would text her back.
In Blossom's room, Blossom was having a full on meltdown.
Ok, maybe not that but something similar probably.

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