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'I think I'm actually gonna like detention. You know?' Blossom thought of teasing Beserk in her head, showing Beserk some of that 'real personality'.
But then again, nevermind.
Beserk inched closer to Blossom, until she was practically breathing on her face.
'What the hell do you want?' Bubbles butt in, trying to defend Blossom, or even just getting her some breathing space.
Blossom looked up meekly at Beserk.
'That what I was just gonna tell you, before blonde over here interrupted.' Beserk eyed Bubbles, who stood defensively in front of Blossom and Beserk. As if she was a protective barrier between them.
Beserk lifted up a fist and pounded it against Blossom, aiming for her, but felt something retrain her from doing so. A hand. A very strong hand too.
Blossom covered her face for cover, 'Shit this is it.' She thought repeatedly in her mind. She expected it to come in 3,2,1.
She uncovered her face to see a grinning Bubbles and a certain couple arguing.
'What the hell do you think you're doing?' Brick roared at Beserk, who looked like she was about to pass out any second, her face was a pale white and her lips even paler.
'Baby I-' Beserk shouted, in that very weird voice she always did in front of Brick, that odd girly voice, when she spoke in a peculiar high pitch, so she sounded like squealing rather than yelling, or yelping, at most.
'Don't 'Baby' me, you know damn well you crossed the fucking line.'
'Line?' Both Blossom and Bubbles looked at each other, puzzled.
'I think we should go.' Blossom whispered to Bubbles, who nodded in response and left the cafeteria. They'll find something else to eat...
'What do you mean baby? What did I do?' Beserk protested, she was inferior to Brick, so so inferior. Especially when his temper was bad. Red, hot, and furious.
'You tell me.' Brick scoffed, he lifted his head and ruffled his hair in utter disbelief.
'What is this bitch on about.' Brick thought to himself, looking down at the girl in front of him.
'Huh?' Beserk asked, 'This girl is a damn good actress.' A guy behind Brick said to his friend as they walked past.
'ACTRESS?' Beserk cried, 'What on earth are you talking about?'
Beserk assumes that Brick had said it himself, so she pushed all the burden to him.
'I found out from Dave that you've been fucking Ricky and Chris behind my motherfucking back.' Brick said calmly, as if a screaming Beserk, aka the screeching baby, was nothing.
'What? No no no! You've got it all wrong! It wasn't Ric-! Wait no! I haven't been fucking anyone! You know I love you baby!' Beserk yelled into Brick's ear.
He swore he was gonna go deaf one day if he continued this relationship. Brick listened to all the soft pleas Beserk was muttering in front of him. Brick could barely believe what was going on. This bitch. This self-conceited bitch. She still won't admit it.
Does this relationship really mean so much to her?
'I care about you so much Brick. Baby...' Beserk held out a hand that was getting closer and closer to Brick's arm. As if that would calm him down.
He pulled his arm away.

'Let's see how much you care about me.' Brick stated.
'What do you mean?' Beserk was 'still' absolutely baffled. Damnit. Good actress. That's all.
'We're over.' Brick reprimanded.
And that was all it took.
Beserk was bawling like a total baby.
'W-what????' Beserk asked between her sniffs, trying to grab ahold of Brick. Again.
'Beserk. Stop. We're officially over.' Brick said sternly.
Everyone who was near them stood in awe.
Did they just- just break up?

In no time, many phones' notifications went off at once. All the texts were about the fight, in case anyone missed it, and it filled EVERYONE in on the gossip.
After lunch, Blossom and Bubbles were walking down the hallway, trying to avoid Beserk of course.
They didn't know what happened, so when a testy-eyed Beserk pushed past them into the girls' toilet, they were super surprised.
'I wonder what happened?' Bubbles asked Blossom under her breath. At this time, Bubbles and Blossom didn't know what was going on since their phones were on Do Not Disturb so they didn't hear the...
Oh right it's after lunch, so it was off now.
Blossom and Bubbles immediately took out their phones, looking through their endless text messages from Boomer... and other people?
'Major fight went down! School Cafeteria! Reds are OVER!' It said.
'Oh my god. Is that why she just-' Blossom was bewildered with the news.
'Never mind that... Bloss, I know you've had a little crush on someone over the years.' Bubbles cut her right off.
'What. No?' Blossom was starting to turn pink. Almost the same shade as her pink bow.
'Bloss. I'm serious, I'm not kidding. I see the way you are around you know who.'
'Stop joking around Bubs. I'd never have a crush. Let alone on Brick.'
'You never know. Now that he's free in the open... you gotta have a chance... and he's not that bad. Think on it. See you.' Bubbles gave Blossom a small pat on the shoulder as she shoved her phone back into her bag.
'What? Where are you-'
'Toodles!' Bubbles waved to Blossom as she headed the exact opposite way from Blossom... but they had the same lesson next? So this was just a  lame excuse to walk away from Blossom.
Blossom was now just awkwardly standing in the middle of a hallway, holding her phone out like an idiot, with PEOPLE walking past and PEOPLE OVERHEARING!
'AHHHHHH BUBBLES!' Blossom was internally screaming.

(A/N: taking a break for a while so count that as a hiatus 😘
see u guys soon!)

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