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More talking.
Getting closer...
and closer
and closer.
Blossom had never anticipated the school dance that badly ever since she got into the school with her sisters and the ruffs. It was always the same, the greens would go off doing their own stuff, independent as hell obviously; the blues would be obsessing over each other, whispering sweet things that always made each giggle; the reds?
They never were a thing.
It was always Brick with Beserk, or Blossom the loner.
Now, Blossom had a chance, her sisters had been telling her, non-stop, to go get her guy.
Will she?
'Hey Bloss.'
Blossom whipped around to see Brick standing behind her, he was smiling his cheesiest smile and holding what seemed to be a bouquet of flowers.
'Hey,' Blossom looked down, 'Who's the lucky girl?'
'I-Oh this? Just a little something for someone.'
So not her then.
Blossom smiled back, whoever Brick was giving those flowers to, was lucky, she would be the luckiest girl ever.
Blossom leaned her head on the railing of the balcony, 'Nice, I guess.' She muttered back to him, keeping her eyes on the sky.
'I really hope she likes them.' He said, leaning on the railing next to her.
He looked down on her, her red hairs being blown upwards by the wind, how graceful she was, how elegant she acted, even when she was with Beserk, and in a hell of a day.
She always got through it.
She was so strong.
She could probably have any guy, at all.
He hoped Blossom would like the flowers. He really did.
'Hmm, she must be a lucky girl huh.' Blossom mumbled, still glancing at the sky, the sun setting, the orange and yellow haze spread across the sky.
'Mmm?' Eyes not turning.
'What?' She's not looking.
'Bloss look at me.'
Blossom turned again, Brick was presenting the flowers to her?
To her?
Blossom's eyes widened in surprise. 'I thought you said they were for someone?'
'That someone is you.'
'How cheesy of you.'
'I thought you liked cheesy.'
'I like anything.'
'Not especially cheesy stuff?' He made puppy dog eyes that made Blossom laugh.
'Not especially cheesy stuff. Why me?' Her hand rose up to hold his face but she stopped, looking straight into his eyes.
'I like you Blossom, I like you a lot, you're so strong, and kind, humble too. Not to mention, absolutely beautiful.'
Now his hand came up and tucked a piece of her red hair behind her ear, making her flush red, and go crazy in her mind.
'Are you serious?' She suddenly spoke up.
'Why wouldn't I be?'
'I don't know, I just felt that you wouldn't like someone like me.'
'Like you? You're perfect.'
'I'm pretty sure I'm not.'
'I'm pretty sure you are.'
Their lips hung inches apart from each other.
'Prove it.'
She took a gulp before Brick kissed her.
It was long and romantic, everything she ever dreamed of, it left her breathless and wanting more.
'Fine, I admit, I may be perfect, but you're better than perfect.' She said, patting his head as she leaned her back onto the railing, back behind the sky.
'Nah, now take this.' He handed her the flowers, which made her giggle in a way she never thought she could, 'Will you be my date to the dance?'
'Now that we're here, why not.' Brick scooped her up in a quick instant and she curled into a ball of nervous giggles.
'I really like you, y'know?'
'I know.'
'And what do you say now?'
'I lik- love you.'
She curled in closer to his face and pecked him on his cheek.

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