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It was two days until the dance, Bubbles was worrying about her dress when she walked past Blossom's door. Blossom was lying on her bed talking to someone on the phone, she seemed lost in it so much that she didn't realise Bubbles knocking on the door and walking it.
'-tomorrow right? I'll see you then?' Blossom spoke through the speaker of the phone sweetly.
As soon as the call ended, Bubbles spoke, making Blossom jump upwards due to surprise.
'So, who was that?' Bubbles asked, reclining on the door frame and checking her perfectly manicured nails.
'Oh, nobody. I-'
'Oh, for God's sake, we all know who that was. It was Brick wasn't it.'
Bubbles snickered, covering her mouth. Bubbles' response left Blossom stuttering and at a loss for words. Blossom stopped trying to speak but nodded.
'I'm going shopping for dresses, come with?' Bubbles left, knowing Blossom wouldn't have went dress shopping without Bubbles, and they both knew it for a fact.
'Bubs! I'm coming down now!'
Bubbles laughed, so this is how lovesick Blossy acts on a daily basis, the usual Blossom would never be this disorganised.
A rushed Blossom trampled down the stairs, holding a weird handbag.
The two ran to the mall as quick as they could.
'This or this?'
'You mean this or that?' Blossom said, as she sat on the pink couch outside the dressing rooms in the dress shop.
'Whatever, this or this?' Bubbles held up two very similar dresses, both were light blue, but one had a blue trail behind it and the other had a blue layer of beads and lace on the front.
'Umm...' then a woman walked past with a dress in her hands, Blossom's eyes glimmered and she waved a finger at Bubbles to tell her to wait.
Blossom retrieved the dress and showed it to Bubbles, 'How about this? This would suit you more!'
Blossom tossed it to Bubbles and she got changed in a few seconds.
Bubbles twirled and turned to model the Bubbles, the dress wasn't blue, for a change, but it was white with light blue detailing. It was way better than this ugly and extravagant dresses Bubbles showed Blossom from before.
'Oh my-' Bubbles looked at herself in the mirror, Blossom was proud of herself for finding the perfect dress for Bubbles.
'Now your turn!' Bubbles got out of the bulky dress and rested it on the couch, she then ran across all the aisles of the store to find Blossom a dress while Blossom looked around the store cluelessly, it was always like this, Blossom knew what was best for her sisters but not for herself.
Blossom picked out a simple and minimalistic red dress, it complimented her eyes, but it was quickly swapped out by a big heavy pink dress by Bubbles.
Soon, she got changed.
'Umm, I'm not sure Bubs, this dress, it's- huhh, uhhh-'
'Oh my god! Are you ok?' Bubbles quickly rushed to Blossom's side to unzip the dress to let Blossom breathe.
Blossom let out a relieved sigh, and held her stomach.
'Bubbles I surely don't think this dress is alright for the dance, it's too formal and, well, big!' Blossom shouted at Bubbles through the door of the changing room.
'But Blossy, it looks amazing on you! And it'll definitely show your great curves to your soon to be husband.' Bubbles chuckled.
'What! NO! We-I- NO! Just no!' Bubbles could hear Blossom fining imside.
'Ok ok. Sorry jeez. Fine try the ugly one you picked out.'
'It's not ugly, ugh, whatever.'
Blossom handed Bubbles the big poofy dress and Bubbles handed the simple red dress to Blossom.
Once Blossom came out, all the heads in the store turned to look at her. Blossom let down her down her red hair and let it lay in her shoulders.
'What? Is it that ugly?' Blossom felt super self conscious.
'No, Blossy.'
Bubbles started to slowly walk up to Blossom.
'What is it. You're scaring me Bubs.'
'No, you're so...'
'What is it?'
'So so so...'
'So pretty!' Bubbles wiped a fake year off her face and hugged her sister.
'Is it that astonishing that I look pretty in something!'
'No! I'm just saying...'
'It's fine ahah, I was only joking. Let's pay!'

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