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Blossom was tapping her pen as she sat in detention. She sat back and folded her hands, staring at the clock.
Several messages were sent to her by Bubbles, relating to the almost other-worldly gossip. First, one video and then a few pictures.
So she can't look at them, since Miss Wembley was sitting just opposite to her, reading a damn book, and Blossom, stupid Blossom, forgot to bring some fucking headphones.
The videos were released during the last period of the day. The commotion during lunch was so loud that some people were bound to record it, and put it on the internet. Duh.
Just as she was about to view the video on silent, the classroom door swung open and a red headed boy walked in, plopping his bag on a table next to Blossom.
Brick gave her a wink and sat down, putting up his feet on the table. He scrolled through his phone, totally mesmerised by it. Blossom could only reply to him with a shy smile before she turned away from a burning sensation from her cheeks.
'What are you doing?' Blossom thought in her head as she shut her eyes tightly, and rubbed her temples with her fingers, trying convince herself that didn't just happen.
Feeling a soft tap on her back, Blossom turned back to face the direction in which she was tapped in. She had a cheesy and weird smile on her face, trying to hide her 'real' emotions. What was that, right?
Brick Jojo, THE Brick Jojo, has passed a small torn scrap piece of paper to Blossom, it was folded but the edges showed it was ripped off a book or something.
Blossom grabbed it a little too excitedly to her liking, before shifting her gaze to Miss Wembley, she had already dozed off, Blossom wished she could say the same.
Blossom opened the little note and inside it said:
You bored or what?
I don't even know what to do here.
'Ugh, who could even have such angel-like handwriting? Who could compare?' Blossom thought to herself over and over again, focused on her thoughts and not the note.
Brick waved a hand in her face and snapped her out of it.
Blossom held up a finger and mouthed, 'Wait.'
Brick nodded.
Blossom looked through her bag and found a pen to respond in.
Yeah. Can I borrow your headphones?
She passed it back to Brick, who rolled his eyes at the short response. Blossom at least had the gut to ask Brick for headphones, they had been friends for way too long for him not to lend them to her. They were childhood friends after all, that's all they ever were since Blossom never said anything. Close friends, until Brick got with Beserk, that was. Even Boomer told Bubbles and Blossom that he felt like he got distanced away from Brick after he found something 'special' in Beserk. The girls cackled and shrieked at that, but Boomer wasn't joking...
Brick sorted through his bag, dumping random stuff out, Blossom snickered at the sheer amount he picked out. Soon, a little headphone wire peeped out of the mountain. It was wiggled out and and placed in Blossom's hands.
Blossom gave him a thumbs up and decided that she'd use this chance to watch that wretched video she told herself, only herself, that she'd ever enjoy, 'I mean, it's the end of an era after all. Thank god they broke up. Now I can- no, nothing I can do about this. At all.' Blossom said to herself in her mind.

'Guys get over here!'
'Oh my god! What is this about?'
'Come! Get over here!'
The crowd was wild, Blossom could see a mini Blossom in the far corner, grabbing onto a smaller Bubbles with her life.
'What the hell do you think you're doing?' The sudden tone of Brick's voice scared Blossom a little. And Blossom looked closely at Beserk, who looked like she was about to be sick or even cry, she looked absolutely petrified, and that's something you don't see everyday.
'Baby I-' Beserk shouted, in a 'baby' voice, or whatever she called it, it was totally stupid and NOT CUTE.
Damn, this video also catches all her ugly features.
Look at that nose. Mhm.
Those lips... fillers or Botox?
'Don't 'Baby' me, you know damn well you crossed the fucking line.'
Wait what? What line?
'Line?' little Blossom and little Bubbles looked at each other.
Ah yes, they did ask.
Oh, and there they went. They could have watched the whole thing go down! Ugh, stupid Blossom. She could have seen Brick dump Beserk's ass.
'What do you mean baby? What did I do?' Beserk yelled back at him. Blossom could just see some tears forming on Beserk's red face.
She looked like a demon or some shit, to be honest.
'You tell me.' Brick scoffed, he lifted his head and ruffled his hair.
No! Not weird thoughts!
'Huh?' Beserk asked, 'This girl is a damn good actress.' A guy behind the camera said. The crowd was starting to form in front of the camera or phone or whatever the video was recorded on. The camera tried to get out of the crowd and finally settled on top of a guy's head.
'ACTRESS?' Beserk shouted, her face was even redder, tear threatening to drop any moment, 'What on earth are you talking about?'
'I found out from Dave that you've been fucking Ricky and Chris behind my motherfucking back.' Brick said calmly.
Beserk was screaming Blossom's ears out. How did no one become deaf afterwards?
'What? No no no! You've got it all wrong! It wasn't Ric-! Wait no! I haven't been fucking anyone! You know I love you baby!' Beserk yelled into Brick's ear.
Blossom sneered, which was returned with a confused Brick looking up from his book.
Brick was starting to wonder what Blossom was watching, was it a TV show? She seemed to be enjoying it a lot.

Blossom heard soft muttering on her phone, was that Beserk begging for forgiveness?
Funny much.

'I care about you so much Brick. Baby...' Beserk held out a hand that was getting closer and closer to Brick's arm. As if that would calm him down.
He pulled his arm away.

'Let's see how much you care about me.' Brick stated.
'What do you mean?' Beserk was as still as a statue.
'We're over.' Brick said again.
Blossom laughed out loud, getting another weird look from Brick.
Beserk was bawling like a total baby, making a whole scene on the floor.
'W-what????' Beserk asked between her sniffs, trying to grab ahold of Brick. Again.
'Beserk. Stop. We're officially over.' Brick said.
Go you!
Blossom was having an amazing dance party in her head at this point. And a baby Blossom was doing a victory dance in Blossom's brain.
Everyone who was near them stood there, saying nothing as they couldn't believe what just happened.
'What are you watching? You seemed to en- IS THAT ME?' Brick asked, snatching Blossom's phone from her.
Blossom whispered, 'shIT! NO!'
It was too late, the headphones were on Brick, who clicked play and listened intently to the recording.
Trying to get her phone back, Blossom reached out for it, but Brick only made it go higher and further away from her, still listening to the recording.
Blossom was in deep shit.

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