007. genoa

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Liked by trashm0uth and 10373 others

bevzmarsh hello everyone!! in honor of the lgbt collection i just released with sheinofficial, i decided its time that i come out! i'm bisexual! i like boys, i like girls, i like people who don't identify as either! i am attracted regardless of gender!! it doesn't make me selfish or greedy or a cheater!

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trashm0uth im so proud !!!!!! i love you bevvie!!!! you're so strong and amazing and brave ! i knew that you could do it <3
bevzmarsh i love you hehe <3
trashm0uth i love you too!!!! forever !!

stanuris I'm incredibly proud. I cannot pretend to know what you're going through, but I do know that being open to speak about your sexuality is incredibly brave.
bevzmarsh i love you, u fucking robot !! hsjsj
stanuris I love you too.

sheinofficial Congratulations! We're glad to have worked with you on this! Nothing but love!
bevzmarsh it was so fun working with you all!!!

bevseyelash so proud!!!!! i love u!!!!!

eddiekaspbrak im glad you were able to come out!!!! 100% will be supporting your collection!!
bevzmarsh thank you eddie!!! ily!!
eddiekaspbrak ily too!!!

bennyhanscom so proud of you!! love you no matter what bevvie!
bevzmarsh i love you too!!! <3

bennyhanscom  so proud of you!! love you no matter what bevvie!— bevzmarsh  i love you too!!! <3

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Liked by bevzmarsh and 7478 others

trashm0uth only beverly fuckign MARSH could manage to come out as bi, release a whole clothing line, give me emotional support, AND buy me a whole ass slushee from 7/11 in the same day. legends only!!

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stanuris I hardly think that listening to you complain about how attractive men are counts as emotional support, Richie.
trashm0uth i hardly think that insulting me counts as humor, stanley
stanuris Call me stanley again and neither of us will be laughing
trashm0uth neither of us were laughing at ur dry ass humor in the first place ://

eddiekaspbrak don't forget to facetime me tonight !! unless you're too busy hehe then we can reschedule
trashm0uth bold of u to assume i could EVER be too busy for you !!
eddiekaspbrak HSKSJ I LOVE U

richietoesures "fuckign"

bevzmarsh i love u !!!! that's my husband right there guys that's my husband!!!!
eddiekaspbrak what a coincidence because that's MY husband :0
bevzmarsh is this an affair or polygamy
stanuris None of the above; it's idiocy.

bevchies her impact!!!!



hi!!! what's up chie?


chie 🥺🥺

y yeah it's a nickname ...

yeah i

i understood

it's cute 👉👈

anyway ... can we facetime now ...

!!! yeah!


bev is at my house right now too hsjsjs

oh do u want me to wait until she leaves or...


no!!!! you don't need to

a alright

just making sure





"Eddie!" Richie says excitedly when the call connects, the previously blank screen now covered in Eddie's pretty face. As he settles the phone against the pillow so that it faces both himself and Bev, he allows his eyes to drift along the familiar facial features. Since the beginning of their friendship just over a month ago, he's been sent a handful of images from Eddie.

He notices that, in the dimmer lighting of his bedroom, his hair is a darker shade of brown, but he considers that it might've been recently dyed. His lips are round and pink, and he has freckles across his nose that he didn't remember seeing so prominent in pictures.

"Richie, hi! Hello, Bev," Eddie says, his phone settled against something on his desk so that it faces him from a slightly low angle. He gives a cute little wave that makes Richie's heart flip.

Eddie's voice is different than he was expecting; it's much higher, but not so high that it appears that a woman is speaking. It's also very soft and shy, and he doesn't seem to know what to do with his hands. "Hi Eddie!" Bev says, luckily breaking Richie from his stare.

Eddie smiles at the phone screen, a little bit dazed by just how cute Richie seemed to be. He was almost jealous of Bev; she got to sit there, exist next to him, breathe the air around him. He wondered if she took it for granted.

Richie sucks on the straw of his slushee and Eddie stares at the phone screen intently. He doesn't realize he's biting his lip until Richie says, "What were you doing before we called?" and he released his bottom lip from between his teeth.

"I was just drawing," He says with a shrug, giving a wide smile to his two friends through the phone screen. It's a little bit awkward to start out the conversation.

Luckily it picks up, mostly the two boys eyeing each other up through the screen and Bev watching with a smirk. At one point Richie makes a stupid joke and then winks, and Eddie blushes; Richie doesn't seem to notice because his eyes are fixed on Bev, but the latter notices and makes note to mention it to Richie later.

Eventually Richie begins to yawn and leans his head on Beverly's shoulder cutely, and although Eddie wants to watch the sleepy boy forever, he opts instead to speak up; "You seem tired," he laughs, "I can go now!"

Richie looks through the screen for a second before he nods his head, blinking slowly. "Okay, love you," He hums, "goodnight."



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