044. altamura

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Liked by eddiekaspbrak and 936,279 others

trashm0uth hi guys!!! i'm sick so )): sorry but no video tomorrow !!!! i love u all stay hydrated

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eddiekaspbrak ur sick and ur Still the most gorgeous guy ever to exist on earth ever. wow
trashm0uth i love u ...... also .. u r more gorgeous i will not argue rn i'm too busy dying
reddiebabies reddie!!
edstozier2 half of me is like Just Kiss and the other half knows full well they've made out by now

kaspbraq oh no!!! feel better <3

stanuris He's not as hopeless and ill as you are being led to believe. He forced me to make him vegetable soup and then passed out before he could eat it. When I woke him up he smelled it and said there were too many lentil beans.
trashm0uth because!! i don't like beans!!!
stanuris There were no lentil beans, Richard.


hi chie!!!!!

how r u feelin

hskshsj i'm good!!!

didn't go to work today and i think i've consumed my weight in soup but

besides that i'm okay!!

okay!!! good!!!

i love u!!!

is stanny taking good care of u??

yes he's an amazing housewife

only beat me with a broom Once

oh how kind of him x

hey uhh i know ur sick but like

i actually wanted to ask smthn?? kinda serious??

not Bad Serious just. serious


what is it?

just like

about. you know.

telling the public about Us some day

uh,, are we ever going to??

liek,, soon???

whatever you're comfortable with!!

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