045. imola

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( rome is originally
by dermot kennedy —
go listen to it if you
haven't already! )

( rome is originallyby dermot kennedy —go listen to it if youhaven't already! )

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Liked by eddiekaspbrak and 968,379 others

trashm0uth hey!!! it's rly important to me that you go watch my original song that i just posted on youtube hehe ...... link in bio

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eddiekaspbrak everyone go watch it!!!!!!
trashm0uth rt!!!! <3

kaspbraq i just watched!!! i'm so happy for you guys 🥺🥺 are you planning on talking about it more in the future??
trashm0uth yeah totally!!! i'd prefer that me and eddie talk about stuff Together though, instead of me being up there by myself hsksjs


edstozier2 biggest i told u so of the century

stanuris I'm proud! <3
trashm0uth can we get a baby in the chat
eddiekaspbrak baby
bevzmarsh baby.
kaspbraq baby,,,

Liked by bevzmarsh and 95,480 others

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Liked by bevzmarsh and 95,480 others

eddiekaspbrak hi!!! clairenova and i tell u all to go watch richie's newest video!!

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bevzmarsh o p retty
eddiekaspbrak me or claire??
bevzmarsh both
clairenova Aw thank you!

eddieluvbot :DD FINALLY

Richie Tozier has uploaded a new video: Rome! (Original Song + Important Announcement)


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