036. como

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EDDIE couldn't help but cry as he pulled away from Richie in the airport, his fingers pressing into the fabric of his thin jacket over his shoulders.

He wanted nothing more than to lean forward and connect their lips, breathe in Richie's air, feel the taste of sugary coffee on his tongue.

But they were in public and there was a high chance that fans ( or paparazzi ) could capture the moment that was supposed to be held between just the two of them.

The noise only amplified the emotions that Eddie was feeling, the intense state of missing Richie even as he stood before him, grinning, dark brown hair falling over his left eye messily.

Eddie felt a pressure in his head from everything happening around him. People just feet away from him were greeting family members or arriving on vacations, and Eddie was here in front of Richie, saying goodbye.

He wanted nothing more than it to be a cliche one where they kissed passionately, rain pouring outside, all the sounds fading away. But, standing before Richie as the taller boy tried to hide oncoming tears, he knew that's not what he needed.

Any progressions in the labels area of their relationship were yet to be made, and although Eddie desperately craved the title of boyfriend, he'd be patient. At this point he was considering just getting it over with and asking the question himself.

He knew the whole stereotypical gender roles still applied to their relationship despite the fact that they were both males. Eddie was tiny and sweet and cute, which meant he was expected to sit and wait for Richie.

But, as he wiped the tears that stained his cheeks while following Mike and his family to board the plane, leaving Richie behind, ( along with Stan and Bev, ) he marked it in his head in all capital letters.

He would ask Richie Tozier to be his boyfriend.


hey angel let me know when u get home (:

i miss u a lot dont b misled by the smiley face

i'm actually sobbing

UGLY sobbing i am NOT cute

hi!!! i'm sure ur still cute hehe

i'm home !!

the plane should've crashed that would've been better then being so far away


i prefer u alive thank u very much x

i cannot kiss a corpse

technically you CAN

ok necrophiliac

rip to YOU but i'm different


i miss u so much

i can't believe the second we got our shit together we got parted </3

rt!!!! tbe universe is homophobic and FOR WHAT

but to be fair we didn't fully get our shit together ,,,

uhh is that like ... supposed to b sexual ....


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