018. livorno

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"Hey 'chie," Eddie hums when the call connects; its late, and his room is considerably darker than it is in the morning, lit only by dim fairy lights and the occasional candle. He's at his desk, like the first time they Facetimed, painting his nails.

It had been a couple months since their friendship began, and since then they'd taken to video chatting more often. Eddie's room is still decorated Christmas-esque even as Christmas had been three days ago.

"Hey Eds! Any fun life updates? Get laid?" Richie said teasingly, admiring Eddie through the screen. He enjoyed moments where Eddie wasn't paying attention so that he could study him.

Eddie was beautiful in a way that Richie could hardly comprehend; his features were sharp but still round enough to contain youth, his skin was way clearer than Richie's, and his hair was always cute and messy, but kept enough to be extremely attractive.

Eddie laughs at Richie's words, shaking his head. "Unfortunately not. Non-closeted homos are... scarce, in Derry," Eddie comments as he paints another nail; the polish is black and opaque.

"Just move to Florida, we have a lot of gay people here," Richie comments, and Eddie looks up with squinted eyes, almost expectantly. When Richie doesn't continue talking, he peers back down to his nails.

"Yeah?" Eddie asks, trying not to sound so jealous even though he knows he is, just a bit. He clears his throat a little, as if that'll make the emotion clear up; it doesn't. "You get laid a lot, then?"

Richie snorts, causing Eddie to flinch, who gets some polish on his finger. He rolls his eyes and glares at Richie. "Surprisingly enough, I'm a virgin," He informs Eddie, whose face contorts into confusion but also discomfort. Why are they talking about this?

"I know, shocking," Richie says when he sees Eddie's facial expression, "But — don't tell anyone this, it's embarrassing — I am a hopeless romantic at heart," He shrugs, "I don't want it to go to waste."

Eddie giggles a little, and Richie blushes but schools an irritated look on his face. "Sorry," Eddie says, covering his lips with his freshly polished hand; he's careful not to touch his nails to anything because he doesn't want them to smear, "That's just cute, 's all."

"Aw, Eds Spagheds thinks I'm cute! Cutest boy in the world thinks I'm cute! Well I'll be!" Richie says in what sounds like a Valley Girl accent, hand over his heart.

"Oh shush," Eddie mumbles, rolling his eyes and going back to finishing up his left hand, "So you've never had a long term boyfriend or anything?" He asks, blushing a bit.

Eddie doesn't know why he wants to know so bad. He assumes it has something to do with the whole being-gay-for-him ordeal, but it's more than he'd expect.

Furrowing his eyebrows cutely at the question, Richie replies, "I've only had one boyfriend period, back when I was sixteen. Fresh out of the closet, kid named Will. He was nice and all but we never even kissed, and then he had to move away."

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