012. padua

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Liked by bevzmarsh and 19729 others

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Liked by bevzmarsh and 19729 others

trashm0uth why am i gaining followers so fast like just a month or two ago i had 5,000 . n e way guess this is what fame tastes like 🥵🥵

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stanuris Breaking News: Florida Man believes that he's famous when really he's just a giant idiot.
trashm0uth ur eyelashes sir . hand em over
bevzmarsh wby do you guys speak this way to each other
stanuris Why can't you type / spell properly?
bevzmarsh gays can't type
stanuris Heterosexuals can't have a sense of humor.
trashm0uth FUCKSKSJ




"RICHIE," Eddie greets tiredly, making Richie furrow his eyebrows in confusion but grin through the screen nonetheless.

Eddie looked cute, but he appeared tired and his eyes were rosy red. He'd either been crying, or—

"Eds, are you high?" Richie asks, grinning at Eddie through the screen, attempting to hold it at a decent angle without making it noticeable.

Usually they message each other before Facetiming to make sure the other isn't busy, so it was completely out of character for Eddie to randomly call. If he was high, though, that might explain it.

Eddie bites his lip and grins widely, turning to someone else out of view of the camera. Instead of answering, he starts talking to the other person. The angle isn't the most flattering for most people, but Richie thinks that Eddie couldn't be more cute.

"This is Mikey!" Eddie says, leaning over so that his friend fits in the camera.

Mike is slim and has dark brown skin, and he's rather pretty in appearance. He's smiling like a dork at the phone screen and waving, and then another face pops curiously into frame.

"I'm Bill!" The person says, hair falling over his left eyebrow, "I'm Mikey's boyfuh-friend!" He ends this off with a kiss on Mike's cheek, who beams.

The phone camera turns back to just focusing on Eddie, who pouts a little.

"Wish I had a boyfriend, they're so stupid and cute, should I punch them?" Eddie jokes to Richie, and the latter giggles. "Nobody ever wants to be my boyfriend, except stupid jerks that I don't talk to, but not cool people like you, Richie."

Immediately, Richie becomes flustered, face reddening — he hopes that Eddie is too high to make the connection. Luckily, he doesn't seem to notice.

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