047. crotone

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no  i  will  not  write   smut
i'm 16 i'm an Actual Baby.
anyway  enjoy  this chapter
because   the   next  one  is
the last one!!

EDDIE couldn't help but jump out of the vehicle immediately after they pulled into the parking lot of Richie, Stan, and Beverly's apartment complex.

They lived in the same complex, but there were two different buildings parallel to one another; Beverly lived in the A building, while Stan and Richie lived in B.

Eddie assumed they went based on size, because he'd heard that Beverly's was considerably larger.

He saw Richie and his friends on the porch of the A-Building, talking among each other just quiet enough for Eddie not to be able to hear the words that they'd said.

He almost tripped as he ran around the truck and towards Richie, who startled at the noise of being ran towards before raising his eyebrows in excitement.

Eddie had texted Richie when they were close by, but not when they'd pulled into the parking lot, which meant that Richie seemed surprised by his sudden appearance.

The sunlight blamed against Eddie's skin, giving every inch that showed a golden glow, his light brown hair in loose waves from being untamed.

Before they knew it they were embracing each other; Eddie was snuggling into Richie's shoulder like a koala, just as he had the first time they'd met.

Their lips pressed together quickly as soon as they backed away from the hug enough to do so. They hardly registered Stan's noise of faux disgust from the porch.

Eddie enjoyed the little details of the kiss; the way his top lip was pressed between Richie's, the press of soft hands against his jaw, the way the boy sighed against his mouth as they attempted to get closer.

"Hey!" Mike said, and they quickly pulled away, both looking flustered and Eddie wiping his mouth off on the sleeve of his thin shirt. "Can you save the making-out for private times and help me unpack these boxes?"

His mind blurred from the overwhelmingly sweet head-spinning feeling that Richie gave him, he simply nodded and walked to the back of the U-Haul.

Richie admires Eddie as he walked away for a moment, seemingly shocked despite the fact that they were literally dating, before following to help with the boxes.

They'd gotten the smallest U-Haul possible — the only big items being Eddie's bed and desk — which meant that they managed to get everything upstairs in one trip with everyone's help.

As soon as they were done and the U-Haul safely parked, Eddie found himself nuzzling into Richie's side on Beverly's couch as the group talked.

"Are you gonna be staying the night, Mike?" Beverly asked, sipping some sweet tea out of a straw as she looked over at him curiously. She looked a bit exhausted, but still very beautiful.

Eddie could almost envy her beauty. "Uh, depends. What time is it?" He asked the group, scanning over to see if anyone happened to have their phone in their hand. Stan glanced down at his watch, good God, an Apple watch?

As Eddie stared at him in bewilderment for wearing the expensive watch, Stan said, "It's four-thirty."

Mike hummed and clicked his tongue a few times, something he'd done often when he was in thought, a social cue derived from childhood. Eddie would miss that; he would miss a lot.

A pang of sadness doused in nostalgia dribbled through his chest, and he pushed closer to Richie on the couch.

Noticing this, Richie gave Eddie a cute little hug and a kiss on the cheek. Eddie blushed and giggled cutely, a bit of his hair falling over his forehead.

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