016. prato

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"HEY CHIE!" Eddie says when the call connects, grinning as he lays on his belly on his bed.

Mike is in his bedroom and Richie had suddenly texted him asking if he and Eddie could call because he was dying of boredom. How was Kaspbrak supposed to say no to that?

Mike had asked if Eddie wanted him to leave with a grin on his face, so Eddie told him to stay. Maybe just to prove a point. So what?

"Eds! Angel! How was your day thus far?" Richie asks, seemingly a bit distracted as he walks through his house with the phone at a not-so-decent angle, but still excited and engaged in the conversation.

Eddie takes the moment to stare through the screen; the close angle means that he can see the freckles that dot his cheeks. Eddie smiles and Mike catches this, wiggling his eyebrows at the shorter boy when they make eye contact.

"It was alright! Was just talking to Mikey," He says softly, holding his phone in front of him. "What's up? You usually give me a five minute period before we call," Eddie says, rolling onto his back, "Also it's two pm, and you never call that early."

Richie laughs a little, propping his phone against something, and then he begins making himself a sandwich. Eddie watches him, biting his lip.

"Remember that video I was filming?" He asks as he uses a butter knife to spread the condiments across the bread.

"Yeah, the one you were filming with your cousin," Eddie says distractedly, expression dreamy, "Illinois or something?"

Richie begins to laugh, and Eddie would almost think he were crying by how silent the laughter was if it weren't for the grin that spread across his lips. Much louder, Mike is laughing from his place in the comfy chair in Eddie's room.

"Did you—" He can't finish for a second, giggling in a way that makes Eddie's heart go absolutely crazy. "Did you just call my cousin... Illinois?"

"I was distracted!" Eddie replies defensively, and Mike laughs a bit more at this.

"Distracted by what?" Richie says exasperatedly, evidentially amused, having to place down his utensil so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose while he laughs, "I'm literally making a sandwich right now! What is distracting about any of this?"

Eddie flushes a little but doesn't back down, jutting out his bottom lip and puffing his cheeks out just a bit. "You are a very cute sandwich maker, thank you very much," He says, and Richie laughs a bit more at this, cheeks going rosy, tossing the knife in the sink.

He goes to retort something about being a sandwich stripper, getting money thrown at him while he puts bologna on a piece of wheat bread, but the knife clambers into the sink loudly.

A few more loud crashes follow, and as the noises get louder and Richie's expression goes more frantic, Eddie laughs harder.

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