Continuation of Journey PT 1

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We were in Viridian forest and saw a Butterfree and Pinsir sparring. I realized I had a Beedrill and Scizor but none of the ones I saw in front of me. I slowly walked up to them with Leaf behind me and challenged them to a 2v2 and if I won I could catch them. They agreed wanting to show each other their strength. I sent out Scizor and Beedrill and mega evolved them both. I then told Pinsir if he joined me he could do that too. I also said I have z Moves which surprised them both. Leaf was speechless not saying a word. I then saw Butterfree fly up in the air and I told Beedrill to chase it. I then commanded Scizor to use flash cannon and ko Pinsir which he did. Pinsir was knocked out on the ground but when it regained its consciousness it went to my side remembering the deal. I then told Beedrill to knock Butter to the ground which he did. I got in a stance and used my bugium z against Butterfree. In a matter of seconds Butterfree was knocked out cold and I threw a pokeball at her and released her. After that I started to heal everyone who had just battled. I then started to walk away forgetting about Leaf and when she came back to reality she asked me many questions which I ignored.

Time skip 4 hours later

We had been in the forest for a couple hours now and then we heard a sound. It was a jigglypuff. When Leaf caug He sight of this she squeezed and ran straight towards it. She then challenged the jigglypuff to a battle. She sent out bulbasaur seeing that that was her only Pokémon.
Bulbasaur used razor leaf and jigglypuff dodged with ease. Jigglypuff then used double slap making bulbasaur confused. Bulbasaur then used a vine whip attack that missed and a tackle attack that missed as well. Jigglypuff then used pound nocking bulbasaur to the ground. Bulbasaur didn't get up for a while but all bulbasaur heard was her trainer upset that she lost and that she didn't get the Pokémon as well as bulbasaur badly hurt. Bulbasaur wanting to help got up and started glowing a white color. When the white died down there was no longer an bulbasaur there but now an ivysaur. Leaf squeezed in happiness and told ivysaur to use leaf storm. This did much damage to jigglypuff but jigglypuff was still in the match. Leaf then told ivysaur to charge up solar beam which she did. Jigglypuff seeing this as an opening used many double slaps and pounds. Ivysaur being the tough nut she is held her ground and even managed to hit jigglypuff with a tackle attack. Jigglypuff then used headbutt at full strength and ivysaur used solarbeam at full strength. Then an explosion occurred where the attacks met and spoke appeared. When it died down Jigglypuff was caught in a net with ivysaur on the ground. Ash and Leaf then looked up to see it was those two rocket grunts.

"I though you were arrested" Ash said
"We were but got bailed out." Said the man named James
"Stop talking so nice to him and attack" Said Jessie
"Fine. Koffing use sludge!" Exclaimed James
I was about to tell Pikachu to use thunder but Leaf stopped me and told Ivysaur to use Leafstorm which broke there hot air balloon and set jigglypuff free.
"Already ugh you got to be kidding me" complained Jessie
"Looks like team rockets blasting off again" The talking meowth, Jessie, and James all said in unison.

"Are you okay?" Asked Leaf to jigglypuff.
Jigglypuff nodded happily and motioned her hands to Leafs pokeball.
"Would you like to join me?" Said Leaf holding out an empty pokeball towards Jigglypuff.
"Jiggly!!" Shouted Jigglypuff as she tapped on the white center of the pokeball getting sucked up into it in a matter of seconds.

"Great first catch" I exclaimed
"Thanks I Hope I could be as great of friends with Jigglypuff as you are with all of your Pokémon." Leaf said which made both of us chuckle. I looked ahead and saw buildings and a sign telling us we were now in Pewter City.

"Looks like we're here Leaf" I said.
"Yep" she exclaimed while running past the sign and into the wonderful city.

When we got down the hill we were greeted by this old man named Flint. He showed us to the Pokémon center and then told us that we couldn't beat Brock. I then bet him money and told him to come to my battle with Brock which he just nodded at.

Time skip next day at gym battle

"Are you ready?" I asked Leaf
"Nope" she laughed and opened the door leading in.

"Who goes there" yelled a voice not much older than 13.
"We are here for a battle" exclaimed Leaf
"Who first?" He questioned
"I'll go first" said leaf
"Ok my name is Brock Stone and I am the gym leader of this fine gym." He said with hesitation
I looked around trying to see if Flint was here. I was upset to see he wasn't and then put my eyes on the battle field.
"This will be a two vs two and only the challenger may subsitute." Said Brock
"Go jigglypuff!" Yelled our Leaf. Jigglypuff appeared on the field with pride and determination.
"Nice okay then. Go Geodude" Brock yelled sending out his bulky and strong looking rock type Pokémon.


Jigglypuff used tackle but it was ineffective seeing that she just bounced right off Geodude. Geodude then used gyro ball which hit and hurt Jigglypuff very much. Jigglypuff then used double slap which hit and did minor damage. Geodude then used rock throw and did lots of damage to Jigglypuff. Leaf then subbed out Jigglypuff for Ivysaur and Ivysaur used Leaf storm. Leaf storm hit and did much damage seeing that it was super effective. Ivysaur then went for a vine whip but it was caught by Geodude. Geodude then spun Ivysaur around and threw it to the ground. Ivysaur slowly got up and out of nowhere the ground started to rumble showing that Ivysaur used earthquake. It was super effective and Geodude fell to the ground unable to continue. Brock who was super surprised sent out his ace which was Onix. Onix easily finished Ivysaur with two iron tail but before landing the second one it was hit with a super effective Leafstorm. Leaf then sent out her last Pokémon Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff was already worn out from her previous fight and was on the verge of fainting. Jigglypuff used pound hitting the not so effective move on Onix. Onix then used rockslide on Jigglypuff and hit them all. Jigglypuff struggled getting up but when she did she started to glow complete white. When it died down there standing was a Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff then ran at Onix because it was Leafs command but instead of pound she used Brick break knowing it was more effective. Because of this move Onix roared loudly and fell to the ground causing lots of sand to go in the air. When the sand settled Onix was on the ground with swirls in his eyes.

Normal POV

"Great job I guess you won."
"I don't even want to battle I actually want to explore the world and be a breaded/doctor for Pokémon."
"My dad was always the better Pokémon trainer and no matter how many times people tell him that he always was to show it but I know he is great I mean he could easily beat me." Said Brock
Then out of nowhere the doors burst open and Flint was there.
"Father?" Brock said to Flint
"Yes it's me and I am here to take back the title of gym leader and let you explore the world."
"Thank you"
"Woah" Is what I said but then Leaf elbowed me in the stomach which actually hurt.
"Anyway what do I do now" I asked with Leaf looking annoyed.
"How about you go against my father since he is a better challenge" said Brock
"Got it" I exclaimed
"This will be a 3v3 with subsitutions allowed only for the challenger"


I sent out Lucario and Flint sent out Rhypherior. I told Lucario to Mega evolve and finish it with close combat which he did surprising everyone but me and Pikachu. I then returned Lucario and sent out Lapras and Flint sent out golem. I told Lapras to finish it with surf which she did again surprising the same people. I returned Lapras thanking her and sent out Gyrados and Flint sent out Steelix. I mega evolved Gyrados and told him to finish it with a very powerful Dragon pulse which again finished Steelix with ease.

Normal POV

"Wow" exclaimed everyone but me.
"Ash how are you so good?" Asked Flint
"I train everyday"
"Well that's awesome" said Brock in amazement.
"Hey Ash could I travel with you and Leaf?" Brock asked
"Sure" me and leaf said in unison.
And with that we set off into our adventure once again.

Word count- 1535 not including a/n and word count.

Hope you enjoyed and always remember I'm always open for new ideas on how to make this story better. Also I'm sorry if it's bad. I'm only 12 people give me a break. Anyway hope you like it and make sure to give good reviews or bad ones Idc really as I said I'm a kid. Cya👋😜✌️

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