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The next battle was Gary's. If he won he would advance to the next round. He was up against a kid named Franky. There were many rumors about Franky being a great trainer. People said that he got second place in the kalos league. He had the ability to mega evolve his Pokémon. Gary was nervous but decided not to show it to anyone.

At Gary Battle

Gary sent out his Alakazam as his first Pokémon. Franky sent out his Goodra which was a dragon type which he said he caught in the wet lands in Kalos. Goodra used Dragon pulse and Alakazam used psychic. Goodra overpowered Alakazam resulting in Alakazam flying across the field. Alakazam got up and then it used shadow ball which hit dealing a great amount of damage. Goodra then used dragon rush which collided with Alakazams Shadow ball. They were both even but eventually Alakazam got tired and lost the battle. Gary's next Pokémon was Golem. Goodra did a big amount of damage with Goodra's powerful hyper beam but then Golem used earthquake which finished Goodra. Franky then sent out a Trevenant which was a ghost/grass type which had the advantage in battle typings. Trevenant used vine whip and shadow sneak which did plenty of damage but then Golem used stone edge which resulted in Trevenant almost fainting. Both Pokémon were on edge when Golem suddenly fell letting the referee know it had fainted. Gary who now had a frustrated look sent out his final Pokémon Blastoise. Blastoise easily finished Trevenant with a hydro pump since it was low. Franky who was as confident as ever sent out his ace Venasaur . Venasaur looked both healthy and strong. It looked as if it had won all the Pokémon leagues. Gary was as frustrated as ever on the other hand seeing that Franky has the type advantage again. Franky then mega evolved his Venasaur which shocked everyone in the stadium. Venasaur then used sludge bomb which Poisoned Blastoise. Blastoise then used surf which was a critical hit and did a good amount of damage. Venasaur then used leaf storm which weakened Blastoise very much. Blastoise who was determined to win then used an extremely powerful ice beam which was extremely effective and almost knocked out Venasaur. Both trainers then looked at each other with determination and then started to command their Pokémon once again. Gary then told Blastoise to finish it with the most powerful ice beam it can do and Franky to Mega-Venasaur to use the most powerful Solarbeam it can do. But he had forgotten that it takes a while turn to use solarbeam so when the ice beam hit Venasaur it made Venasaur revert from Mega form to normal form. Franky who at first couldn't process the hi he mistake he just make then smiled and said-

"I guess I just need to do more training." He exclaimed as he started to chuckle and shake Gary's hand.

"That goes for me to even if I won." Gary said in a humble and gentle way as he to started to shake Frankys hand.

With that Gary and Ash has moved onto the next round which was also the final round. When both trainers saw each other they smiled and wished one another good luck in their battle tomorrow.


Gary was now up against Ash. Ash sent out his first Pokémon Pikachu and Gary sent out Umbreon. Umbreon used dark pulse and Pikachu thunderbolt. They were both equal so they stopped attacking and then Umbreon used shadow ball which Pikachu dodged and sent out a powerful electro ball. This attack hit and did great amount of damage. Umbreon then used quick attack on Pikachu which hit dealing some damage. Then Umbreon got paralyzed because of Pikachu a ability static. Pikachu then finished the battle with a very strong iron tail. Gary then sent out Fearow. Ash then told Pikachu to use thunder which it did doing much damage. Fearow then used twister which sent Pikachu flying. Pikachu then managed to get on the ground which all four limbs touching it. Ash then commanded Pikachu to jump on Fearow which it did. Pikachu then used many thunderbolts which did much damage to Fearow. Fearow eventually couldn't take the beat and crashed into to wall of the field. Smoke erupted from the position where they were and you could see Pikachu on top of an unconscious Fearow. Gary then returned his fainted Fearow and sent out his third Pokémon Alakazam. Ash's Pikachu then decided to take a rest which Ash agreed with. Ash then sent out Lucario. Lucario used aura sphere and Alakazam Shadowball. Aura sphere easily overpowered Alakazams attack and hit Alakazam. Lucario then used blaze kick which did a critical causing much damage to Alakazam. Lucario then mega evolved and finished the battle with a horn rush. Ash then returned Lucario. Gary also returned his fainted Alakazam. Since Gary has lost three of his Pokémon. It was time for a field change. It went from Dirt to water field. Gary then sent out his Golem since the only water type he had was Blastoise which he wanted to save for last. Golem stood on the platform ready to fight. Ash sent out his Espeon. Espeon used psychic to throw Golem in the water which did much damage to Golem since water makes rock types weak. Ash used this to his advantage and told Espeon to use shadow ball. This much damage to Golem. Golem couldn't move since it was in water and it was unable to swim. Then Gary to Golem to use stone edge on itself. Golem did this which did damage to itself but also launched Golem out of the pool and back on to the platform. Ash was shocked that Gary could come up with a strategy like this but got over it and told Espeon to finish it with a very powerful Shadow ball. Espeon listener and finished golem. Ash then returned Espeon and sent out Charizard. Gary thought about sending Arcanine but then realized that if he did that then Charizard would fly in the air and throw Arcanine in the pool with now way out. Gary then decided to send out Blastoise. Ash smiled and mega evolved Charizard into Mega Charizard X. Charizard used dragon rush and Blastoise surf. Surf missed but the dragon rush did good damage. Blastoise then used its own dragon rush which did good damage seeing that Charizard was now part dragon type. Charizard then used Blast burn which did good damage to Blastoise even if it was bad typing. Charizard then used a very powerful thunder punch multiple times which sent Blastoise flying almost fainting it. Charizard then grabbed Blastoise and started to use Seismic toss. While Charizard did this Blastoise used bite but Charizard ignored it and completed the attack. When the smoke cleared you could see a Charizard and Blastoise in the middle of the field and then you saw Blastoise falling to the ground with swirls in its eyes. Gary then returned Blastoise and sent o ur Arcanine. Ash returned Charizard and smiled. Gary was upset since he hadn't took down one of Ash's Pokémon and ash still had two Pokémon he could still use.

"Are your ready for this." Ash asked.

"It's a really strong one called Mewtwo. It was made by humans as a weapon many years ago but it escaped and I found it and it joined my team. Here you go people of the world a Pokémon created by the evil organization Mewtwo." Ash exclaimed as he sent out his Pokémon which made the crowd gasp.

"It's a new Pokémon called mewtwo. ITS INCREDIBLE!" Exclaimed the announcer as the crowd cheered.

"Ok then Mewtwo Respond to my heart and let's show people the bond that we have developed in the time that we have known one another. Ok let's do this we're stronger together always remember that now Mewtwo MEGA EVOLVE!" INTO MEGA MEWTWO X!" Exclaimed ash as he mega evolved Mewtwo.

Mewtwo was now a psychic and fighting type. It looked extremely strong and could definitely take out my whole team in one blow. Ash then told Mewtwo to finish this battle with one move Psystrike. Mewtwo did an extremely powerful move which easily finished Arcanine.


Then Gary and Ash walked up to one another and thanked each other for the awesome battle.

When they met up with Leaf she congratulated both of them. They then got shrowded with paparazzi and fans asking for autographs and answers which they did. They all then got to Pallet town and had a party. At the end of the party Gary decided to be a Pokémon Professor like his grandpa. Leaf decided to keep on training like Ash.

Worst Count- 1505

A/N- something interesting happens next chapter so get ready and hold on to your hats. Also if you read this share with your friends please. Anyway hope you enjoyed and cya in the next one. ✌️

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