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It has been seven years after Ash won the Kanto league he easily beat the elite four and the champion with only Mewtwo. All of his Pokémon are in tip top shape too. When he became champion of Kanto he decided to challenge every other league which he beat and is now champion of them all but Kalos which he hasn't challenged yet. He completed the entire Pokédex other than the mythicals and legendaries other then Mewtwo. Ash is now 17 and is considered one of Th e most powerful trainers on earth. He would be the most powerful if he beat Diantha who he hasn't challenged. Gary is now a Pokémon Professor. Not like professor Oak or the regional professors but he is a great one that does stuff similar to Professor Oak. He is working with P. Oak too so that helps him get noticed by others as a professional Professor. Leaf gave up on battling and is now doing performances and contests. She is the second best coordinator in sinnoh but is the best in hoenn. The best in sinnoh is a girl named Teresa. They are actually tied but everyone knows that Leaf let Teresa be the Top coordinator there since Leaf was the top coordinator in Hoenn. Leaf also is Kalos Queen which is another reason she gave up the spot in sinnoh. Basically those three got there dreams done or almost done. Misty is also the strongest gym leader in Kanto and one of the strongest water type trainers on earth. Brock is now the second best Gym leader in Kanto or he would be but he is the ex gym leader of pewter gun since his dad took over. He is now one of the best Pokémon breeders and is known around the world for being the best Pokémon Doctor. He is also a famous chef because of his amazing cooking and amazing recipes with Pokémon food.

A/N- Ash traveled with the people he traveled with in the anime. He is now in the middle of his Kalos travels. He has all the gym badges and he already completed the Pokédex other than legendaries and mythicals (not including Mewtwo. He also has all the ultra beast other than Solgaleo, Necrozma, and Lunala.). He is just traveling and waiting for the league to start. He is with Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. They are now encountering Yveltal. This Yveltal is from an alternate dimension. It accidentally appeared and is now angry that he was awoken from his sleep. He started turning everything to stone and then hit Pikachu.

"Pikachu!!" I yelled as he was turned to stone.

After everything Xearnas showed up and out that Yveltal back into his world. Then Xearnas started to turn everything that was stone back to normal. When she was finished she did everything but Pikachu. I thought she was going to do Pikachu so then I thanked her for helping and turning my Pikachu from stone to normal. Then she used telepathy and said-

"You are not worthy for my help so I will not unfreeze your Pikachu." She said clearly.

"What?" Bonnie said in shock

"I would do it if it was your Pikachu. Yours to." Xearnas said to Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena.

"PLEASE I JUST WANT HIM BACK!!" I said as I cried for help.

"No." Xearnas said in a cold voice as she left us.

"Ash..." Serena said as she was about to hug me.

"Don't... DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled at Serena as a red aura began to glow around me.

"Ash?" Bonnie asked in fear as Clemont grabbed both her and Serena and backed away from me.

"What? Afraid of me now? Hahahaha. You guys are useless. I don't need you. You can just leave I'll find Xearnas myself and force her to help me. Hahahaha. Then when I'm done SHE'LL DIE!!" I exclaimed as I started to ascend into the air.

"ASH PLEASE DON'T LEAVE WE NEED YOU... I need you." Serena said as she looked at me with a smile starting to appear on her face as she said those last few words.

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