Again On Our Long Journey

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On our journey Misty's goldeen evolves to Seaking, her horsea to Seadra, and her tentacool to Tentacruel. She also caught a slowpoke which evolved into slowbro. Brock caught a rhyhorn who evolved to rhydon. His Geodude evolved to Graveler and his Golbat to Crobat. For me and leaf everything had stayed the same.

Present Time

We reached a digging site and there we met up with Gary. The people there were searching for Pokémon fossils. We decided to stay and help dig.

With team rocket

So their digging for fossils. Maybe if we blow this place up with some dynamite we could find millions of fossils. Said Meowth.
Yeah you're right. Answered Jessie.
They then placed the dynamite and got everything ready.

Normal POV

I saw team rocket and I followed them to see what they were doing. I then saw the light a dynamite on. I tried to stop it but was to late and when it exploded the ground I fell in it. Team rocket saw this and ran. I looked up and saw rocks had blocked the exit.

Above Ground

Everyone was now trying to help ash and Pikachu out from under so they started to take rocks off the top.

Ash POV/ Normal POV

I looked to my left and saw 4 extinct Pokémon names Omastar ominyte Kabutops and kabuto. I told Pikachu to use thunder which it did. This didn't do much and I had to use my electricium Z to faint them all since they were about to attack me. I then caught Omastar and Kabutops and put the other to in a cozy place which looked like there home. When they awoke I sent out the extinct Pokémon I had caught and explained what happened and they listened seeing that I was their prince.
They were nice about it and the two I caught agreed to wanting to want to join me. Then a roar was heared and Kabuto and Omanyte left and the other two went to their poke balls. The Charmeleon came out wanting to protect me. Pikachu went in my bag to hide. Then an Aerodactyl came out and it tackled us both and picked me up with its claws. It lifted me up and when we got a little above ground Pikachu jumped out of my bag and landed on the ground with the others. Charmeleon was really mad and upset since it failed at helping me but it did not want to give up. It started roaring and out of nowhere it flowed white and it had evolved to Charizard. It chased after me and then when it reached me it used dragon tail of Aerodactyl. This knocked Aerodactyl to the ground and when it was h it it let go of me letting Charizard catch me. I then looked at the fainted Aerodactyl and caught it and everyone applauded. We then covered up the rubble letting the other extinct Pokémon sleep once again. After that they had canceled all digging and everyone left.
I then looked in my bag and saw a Pokémon egg. I knew it was a Togepi egg seeing the pattern it had plus the knowledge Arceus gave me.
Later the next day I told everyone about the egg and misty said she wanted the egg and we all complained but eventually misty won the argument. Misty was happy with this and she spent the next week making sure the egg was perfect. One day during her having a battle that she was about to win against a random trainer the egg started to glow and when it stopped togepi appeared and ran to Misty.
Misty have a hug to her new Pokémon and caught it. She sent it back out and decided it would stay out unless there was a reason not to.
The next week we got to a ranch and there I caught a Tauros and Brock caught a Marowak.

Later Later Later Later On( A week)

They got to the city where the next gym should be and when they got there a man asked if any of them will be challenging the gym. They nodded and the man gave them a riddle. They figured out the riddle and the next day they challenged the gym.
When they got there the riddle man was there and he reveled himself to be Blaine the gym leader. They then went into the gym which was a volcano and Leaf was up first.

Battle POV

I was a 1v1. Leaf sent Cloyster and Blaine Marcargo. After a long match Cloyster fell but got up and Marcargo ended up fainting. Ash was not up to battle and Blaine returned Marcargo. He sent out his Magmar who looked very strong and healthy. Ash sent out Charizard. Blaine said this was his first and strongest pokemon. Ash then mega evolved  Charizard to X since it had a bit more advantage. Charizard X then finished the battle with an extremely super powerful Seismic toss. Blaine then thanked us for the battle and gave us both our badges.

Normal POV

We then left and headed to. Viridian City which is where the last gym was. We ended up taking a boat since it was to long to walk again. When we got their Leaf and I rushed for the gym. When we got there Gary was outside. He said he had 10 badges but he wanted to get one mor which he didn't need. When he challenged this gym they beat him easily with a powerful Rhydon. Ash and Leaf then went inside and when they went in they saw a man with a Persian. His name was Giovanni. We then saw the crooks and they told him we were the twerps. He then revealed himself to be the leader of Team rocket. He challenged us to a double battle and if we won we get the badge and are free to go and he will also be closing his gym but if we lost we would give him one Pokémon each. I knew this was important so I sent out mewtwo which shocked everyone seeing that it was a legendary and Team rocket created it. Mewtwo was furious and I told it to mega evolve. Leaf sent out Gloom btw. Giovanni sent out Persian and Rhydon. Gloom was easily taken out by Rhydon earthquake but mewtwo(mega Y) levitated it self to dodge. I told mewtwo to finish it with a powerful psystrike which it did. Giovanni who was speechless did as he told and left in a hurry. We went back out and said nothing to the others just like I told leaf to do. When the gang and Gary got home they celebrated with the whole pallet town having a party to celebrate. The next few months they trained their Pokémon and Leafs Gloom evolved to Vileplume. Brocks Graveler to Golem and his Rhydon to Rhypherior. Misty's Seadra evolved to Kingdra and her Psyduck to Golduck.

As The Journey Continues

Word count- 1175
A/N- Hope you enjoyed Cya in the next one.

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